
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: VirtualDJ 2020 - Additions in Skin Engine - Page: 2
groovindj wrote :
With the vumeter code, I assume you can just list as many leds as you want in the ladder?

Is there an option to show bouncing peaks?
No you still have to do it the old way (as an overlay)

Actually there is a way to do the peaks without using the image. For example:

<slider action="get level_right_peak 'master'" orientation="horizontal" direction="right" smooth="false">
<pos x="+1670" y="+4+10"/><size width="68" height="16"/>
<size width="4" height="8"/>
<off shape="square" color="white" radius="1" border="black" border_size="0"/>

Thanks for that Dan. :-)

Hi all,
A few questions about the split panel.
1. How can I ensure that the items are in the order that I enter.
2. I also want a header that is always at the top. No mather how many items are visible.
I did read about the "priority" but didn't see a example

Best regards,

djdad wrote :

Placeholders can also have a * before the name. In this case, it indicates that the placeholder value you provide later when you call the class, will not replace the entire value in <define>, but only part of it.
<define class="my_pad" placeholders="*width="98",action,rightclick,textaction,visualsource,visualvisibility">
<button action="[ACTION]" rightclick="[RIGHTCLICK]">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="[WIDTH]" height="24"/>
<square x="+[WIDTH]/4-1" y="+2-1" width="[WIDTH]/2+2" height="2+2" color="black" visibility="[VISUALVISIBILITY]"/>
<visual type="color" source="[VISUALSOURCE]" visibility="[VISUALVISIBILITY]">
<pos x="+[WIDTH]/4" y="+2" width="[WIDTH]/2" height="2"/>

and later call as ..
<panel class="my_pad" x="+0" y="+0" width="80" action="pad 1" rightclick="padshift 1" textaction="pad 1" visualsource="pad_color 1" visualvisibility="pad_color 1 ? true"/>

I don't skin often so I'm not quite following, when drawn what will be 80, what will be 98

djdad wrote :

<define class="my_pad" placeholders="*width="98",action,rightclick,textaction,visualsource,visualvisibility">
<button action="[ACTION]" rightclick="[RIGHTCLICK]">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"></pos>
<size width="[WIDTH]" height="24"></size>
..... </define>

there is a typo : placeholder default value NEED NO QUOTE
correct line is
<define class="my_pad" placeholders="*width=98,action,rightclick,textaction,visualsource,visualvisibility">
<button action="[ACTION]" rightclick="[RIGHTCLICK]">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"></pos>
<size width="[WIDTH]" height="24"></size>
..... </define>

@locodog: the answer is in the fix description, 98 a default value

will be 98 by default
<panel class="my_pad" x="+0" y="+0" action="pad 1" rightclick="padshift 1" textaction="pad 1" visualsource="pad_color 1" visualvisibility="pad_color 1 ? true"/>

will be 80 width as specified
<panel class="my_pad" x="+0" y="+0" width="80" action="pad 1" rightclick="padshift 1" textaction="pad 1" visualsource="pad_color 1" visualvisibility="pad_color 1 ? true"/>

So not the same thing? This is my confusion.

djdad wrote :
The placeholders can have a default value, so that you dont always have to define when you call the class.
<define class="my_tall_button" placeholders="width,height=50,text">.... 

In this case when the class is called in your XML, if you dont define width="", then it will use the default value 50.

... no, height will be 50 as you define it , width will be specified once for all LOL

<define class="my_tall_button" placeholders="*width,*height=50,text">.... 
width is variable and height will be 50 when not specified, the "*" are needed here

<define class="my_tall_button" placeholders="*width=50,*height=50,text">.... 
width and height will be 50 if not specified, will take the specified value otherwise

<define class="my_tall_button" placeholders="width,height,text">.... 
width and height will be the size specified at first call, won't change even specified in further calls


Also note using placeholders with same name as existing parameter is a little weird and can cause confusion
some are not recognized correctly depending on elements -i.e.: "color" is a very bad name for placeholder

Bulid 7438 onwards includes conditional breaklines.

example from a skin I made were the only "elastic" space was waveforms [no browser on skin at all]

<breaklines breakline1="42" breakline2="388" condition="var_equal '@$waveformpos' 0" />
<breaklines breakline1="42+341+341" breakline2="1080" condition="var_equal '@$waveformpos' 1" />

groovindj wrote :
Maybe Atomix can add that vumeter has a condition peaks colour="white" and maybe a decay timing? It would make things easier...

I'd love to see a peaks-option in
<visual type="vumetter"...
, too.

Cheers Jochen


From BUILD 7716 (2023-10-16)

-Allow onexit scripts in skins (to stop repeat scripts for example) when a new skin is loaded

<onexit action="" />

Another addition for skin developers, you can add
debug drawing
to a custom button, and set experimentalSkinEngine to yes in options.
When activating the button, you will see in red the areas of the skin being updated.
If the area that turns red is bigger than the button or text that is changing, it might indicate that there's some overlapping elements in your skin (a text with too much width or height for example)
Minimizing this areas will improve the performance and cpu usage of your skin.