I have a mixtrack Pro 3 and I need help setting it up for scratching on Virtual DJ 2018. I also want to know how to scratch without losing sync. I'm running windows 10,i5 ,8GB RAM.Kindly assist,thanks.
发表时间 Fri 21 Jun 19 @ 7:33 pm
As long as your Decks are in Vinyl mode, you will be able to scratch as much as you want. Not sure what else you mean by "setting up for scratching". Is there something that doesnt feel/work right for you ? If so, what is that ?
As for keeping in sync while scratching, you need to enable Beatlock http://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/mixer/scratchmixer.html
As for keeping in sync while scratching, you need to enable Beatlock http://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/mixer/scratchmixer.html
发表时间 Sun 23 Jun 19 @ 2:16 am