
Forum: General Discussion

话题: DMX-Pads, how to customize?


After upgrading to VDJ2018 and connecting Freestyler over os2l-Bridge by SBDJ i want to customize the dmx-pads (only colors and mapping). I can send all the commands to Freestyler. I mapped the pads to a Novation Launchpad MK2 on Page 5 (the first custom page) from pad 1 to 12. But I cant get the RGB on the launchpad working as I would like. I'am able to give them a specific color, but I'm not able to change the color by toggeling the specific pad.
If I change the controller LED-Pad1-1 like this var '$mk2page' 0 ? get_sample_color 1 : var '$mk2page' 1 ? deck left cue_color 1 : var '$mk2page' 2 ? deck left effect_active 1 ? color 'cyan' : color 'blue' : var '$mk2page' 3 ? deck left pad_button_color 1 : var '$mk2page' 4 ? deck left pad_button_color 'green' : var '$mk2page' 5 ? nothing : nothing
it's LED is always green.
I think I have to change the color on dmx-Pads in VDJ. All my tries fails. What is the right script to change the pad-Color from red to green and vice versa by toggle the pad and where I have to place it (Push-Action-Tab or Color-Tab) in the pads-editor. And finally: will the launchpad get these colors automatically or have I to change var '$mk2page' 4 ? ... in the controller too?

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 18 @ 10:06 am
Ok, i figured this out:
DMX-Pads-Editor (here Blackout-Pad) Tab "Push-Action" = os2l_cmd 2 on & var '$Blackout' 1 ? set '$Blackout' 0 : set '$Blackout' 1
Tab Color = var '$Blackout' ? color 'green' : color 'red'
Now the color toggle between "Red" and "Green" each time I push the button. Now I have to find out how I can map this colors to Launchpad MK2 automatically.

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 18 @ 10:48 am
