
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Freezing issues - Page: 2


OMFG! You do realize that all the digital distribution houses sell 320kbps files(that don't exist) right? Case and point:

"Traxsource offers all available tracks in MP3 (320 kbit) quality and all new tracks (minimum last three months) and selected back catalogue tracks in WAV quality."

Juno downloads "We sell downloads as MP3s (192kbps or 320kbps), WAVs and AACs. We plan to add ASFs at a later date."

That's where I get those non-existent tracks from. I buy two kinds: the wav preferably or if they don't have the wavs for whatever reason I'll get the next best thing which is 320kbps(doesn't exist). I'm done with this stupid tropic and you. Next time you want to "help" someone, try being a lot less of a prick. Have good one. BTW I've played that track and tracks of a similar format all day so far and I'm playing it now as I type this. It's called "there's nothing you can teach me" by KRL.

发表时间 Mon 09 Apr 18 @ 7:52 pm
Please pay attention to what was posted. I DID NOT say that 320k files don't exist. I said that 320k WAVs don't exist.

YOU were the one who said it was a WAV. Now, the text you quoted from Traxsource & Juno clearly says that the 320k files are MP3s.

Once again, please explain (for the benefit of other forum members) exactly what was causing your freezing issue, and how you resolved it.

发表时间 Mon 09 Apr 18 @ 9:11 pm
How did you resolve your issue, if you don't mind sharing that with us?

发表时间 Tue 10 Apr 18 @ 7:03 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Nothing to do with the file-types. So, let's put this aside.

If you get a freeze right from the start, without loading any track, this is most likely related to a hardware device (and its driver). Could be a MIDI controller or a sound card.
You mentioned APC40 and a Behringer USB sound card. The APC40 is natively supported and no similar issues have been reported so far. So my guess is that the Behringer sound card is responsible for your issues. Can you try without it (unplug from USB, use your computer's built-in sound card instead as a test) and report back ?

BTW, had the UMC404HD sound card in the past (that's yours, right ?) , and can recall similar behavior. Had to create a definition file for it to have it working.
Create a XML file, name it as WhateverName.xml with the following content and place it in /Devices folder.
However, Custom definitions are not working without a Pro license, so you may need to test this at a friend's or buy a Subscription for a month. You will need a license whatsoever, if you need to continue using your gear.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<audio name="BEUMC404" description="Behringer UMC404HD" vid="0x1397" pid="0x0509" asio="UMC ASIO Driver" input="2" output="2" mixer="yes" >

Good luck

发表时间 Tue 10 Apr 18 @ 10:34 pm
Life's peripheral opponents have delayed this response. As DjDad suggested it was my Behringer that was causing the issue. I simply unplugged and replugged my card, restarted VIrtualDJ and the problem took care of itself. I will create that file as you've suggested as well. Thank you for your reply.

发表时间 Sat 21 Apr 18 @ 2:34 am
user17594898 wrote :
Does anyone in the Virutal DJ community or any admin have a possible clue as to how I can fix this issue?

I Reset setting to factory and that fixed it for me...

发表时间 Tue 30 Oct 18 @ 2:08 pm
DJFANESHome userMember since 2016
How do i fit my virtual DJ 8 ...hanging when playing

发表时间 Sat 29 Feb 20 @ 1:24 pm
