
Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Lightcontroll



发表时间 Thu 22 Feb 18 @ 9:16 pm
It's already an option with vdj. It's called SoundSwitch (and is also available for Serato BTW)

A cheaper (the SoundSwitch hardware box costs a bit of money) alternative also available for VDJ is Freestyler. But that's more of a manual dmx engine where you program your light scenes, than an auto generated light scene plugin like SoundSwitch (or Lighting Mode for rekordbox)


Soundswitch with VDJ 8 :

Chauvet DJ (SoundSwitch)

Download Soundswitch Trial 1.5.3

VDJ 8 Plugins für Soundswitch:

Soundswitch Supportseiten:

Over the Fixture Library:

Fixture Datenbank / Fixture Library Partner:
SoundSwitch libraries provided by AtlaBase Ltd


May sound nice, but i would realy prefer a sollution, that is 100% inkluded in VDJ like they did in RB ;-)

magn8 wrote :
May sound nice, but i would realy prefer a sollution, that is 100% inkluded in VDJ like they did in RB ;-)

I'm pretty sure that won't happen.
It's much better to let the best DMX people build the best DMX software and then have plugins
That's how almost all audio software works (with effect plugins, virtual instruments, mastering plugins, plugins for creating beats and so on)

I am not intrested in findige out, who is the best programmer of dmx Software.
I am interestet in an easy sollution to make a lightshow that follows in 100% the song that i am playing. And every time i load this Song, exact the same lightshow for this song, without any pre-loading in third Software.

VDJArtnet Plugin with use of VDJ Script can do a lot . What we need is to have analyse tracks like in rekordbox and have Intro, Refrain, Breaks, outro and so on .

As blocks to get through VDJ Script and/or as Cue-Points. So over VDJArtnet Plugin we can connect to DMX Software (for me QLC+) and set it directly to a created light show macro . So we have same function as Autoloops in Soundswitch but better.

Please think about. Here an example of VDJArtnet to QLC+ based of getting 32Beat Blocks...


Regards Ralf

bluesreen2 wrote :
analyse tracks like in rekordbox and have Intro, Refrain, Breaks, outro and so on

There is already a similar feature in VirtualDJ (detection of break). Check the cue points.

djcel wrote :
bluesreen2 wrote :
analyse tracks like in rekordbox and have Intro, Refrain, Breaks, outro and so on

There is already a similar feature in VirtualDJ (detection of break). Check the cue points.

Not really. Remix Points does in some cases several cues, but often nothing or only two.

We have remix,hot cues, auto automix cues...but for lighting we need new one. The points should be synced to beatgrid (changes often in first beat of beatgrid) But also it should find the Intro, Up, Break, Refrain ,outro of a track. So each track has always an amount of 8 points which can be edit in poi editor too, if not set right.

The very best would be in blocks instead of points because if a DJ uses beat jumping that ever the right light is set. Edit in editor by stretching, thrinking moving deleting renaming and changing kind of block. Block kind colored. In VDJ Script usable ... get_intro....get_up...get_refrain....Also as action in editor to set os2l action. Myself I am using VDJartnet plugin . This can be reached also through script action and send it over artnet channel to lighting software.

Regards Ralf

