I have googled this for an hour to no avail: the little tick marks on my scratch waves are gone and i do not know how to enable them. They are present on the other wave forms but not on the scratch wave type. The tick marks im talking about show the beats on the waveform, not sure what they are actually called. I tried clicking show extra grid lines but that has no effect on the scratch wave form. Any help is greatly appreciated
发表时间 Sun 25 Jun 17 @ 9:39 pm
Its called beat-grid or CBG for short.
Are you using the default VirtualDJ skins or some custom ? Open VirtualDJ Settings->Interface tab and make sure you have selected the "Default" skins at the top of the list.
What is the resolution of your screen ? Does it make any difference if you resize the skin ?
Are you using the default VirtualDJ skins or some custom ? Open VirtualDJ Settings->Interface tab and make sure you have selected the "Default" skins at the top of the list.
What is the resolution of your screen ? Does it make any difference if you resize the skin ?
发表时间 Mon 26 Jun 17 @ 8:43 am