
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Replacement video showing until song is started


Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this:

I would like to have a kind of an "audio-only" situation, but then in a "video-only" style, in which automatically always a certain (audio-less) video file is played until a loaded song is started.

Is this technically possible with VDJ 8?

发表时间 Wed 19 Oct 16 @ 10:54 am
Maybe my idea would be better described as a kind of screensaver...

If you use a visualisation video effect in VDJ like "Milkdrop", that will start running visuals before the song starts, it'll continue running when the song is started (often reacting to the beat of the track) and it will continue running visuals after the song stops

Is that close to what you are talking about?

EDIT: I've made a short example video here:

I think I know what you are on about, you want exactly what was available in V7 and prior versions and that is for either deck to be loaded with a file to show how the deck is either in active mode or paused.

When V8 came out this like many other functions had been scrapped or omitted for unknown reasons, I could never understand why guys were quite happy to have blank deck monitors where once there was a visual effect to let you know what operational state the decks where in and it is still as far as I know two blank black boxes when playing audio files, the mind boggles why this is so as it also looks unprofessional, as though the programme is missing something.

Anyways, at the time I persisted behind the scenes and with input from Dan, Scott and Babis (my three Musketeers, lol) they got me going a compromise although not completely working as in V7 a more than capable work around. So I'm very grateful for their help, cheers guys.

I also badgered them to have separate slide out windows for sampler, automix and karaoke and that I can tell you works like a dream for me, so if you want the custom Tayla Made skin give a shout out to Dan or let me know you want a copy and I'll get something sorted for you.


tayla wrote :

I also badgered them to have separate slide out windows for sampler, automix and karaoke.

This should just be standard, period! Having everything lumped together kills the flow and just means more scripts to change things......

Here is a workaround..
Have a pic or a video sampler (muted) in some Sampler Pad. E.g. Nr.8
Have that sample always on (playing).
Then you just need to set sampler_volume 8 to 0% when a track is playing and to 100% when no track is playing. You can control this by changing the actions of the PLAY buttons, querying the playing status of each deck, but it would be easier if a Plugin could be written for that (to check the playing status of each deck and probably the Volume fader position)

Thank you all very much for your interest and your suggestions. I'm gonna put my cards on the table, because I can see that it will get too confusing otherwise...

I have this idea for a new setup: I am going to make a 3 deck skin and I am going to use my Matrox TripleHead2Go adapter to split a 3072x768 res video output into three different screens of each 1024x768 res. The music videos would be 1024x768. I would need some kind of video output plugin that would always show each of the three video deck outputs (independent of whether a track is playing or not, or if the volume was turned up or not), one next to the other, so as to fill the full output image (3072x768). This way, the audience can always see which tracks I am mixing up. Three decks, three video screens, one very wide video output.

If and when I achieve this (all depends on convincing someone to make the necessary video plugin...) I would prefer a non-stop party theme video to be showing on the decks that are no loaded... That's why I asked...

I hope was able to explain my plans, because I have the feeling that I did the contrary and muddled up everything, lol.


Not a problem, "Muddled up Everything" is my middle name...

@Huey, totally agree and I don't know why other guys have not implemented it into their skins, being able to predetermine the size of the pop out window makes work flow so much easier throughout the night... the three Amigos done good, lol.

I have got no idea what you guys are talking about, but it seems to be important for both of you, so I won't yell hijack ;)

Anyway, I was only asking if it was possible in VDJ8 to have a certain video file act as a screensaver and play on each deck that is not playing yet...

What I understood from the original post:
When your playing music videos, sometimes you get a blank start frame, as the audio starts before the video does..
If you have an auto video transition in this case it would still show as a blank screen as the screen transitions as the music plays before the video catches up..

What I would like:
The ability to nominate a start frame to be shown even if its just statc until the vide plays upto that point, could be a simple POI.

What I don't understand:
How having a 3 way output to help with this, now youre asking for more hardware which many laptop DJs cant afford or don't have the space to carry round with them..
I however use a desktop PC with a 3 way out but 1st out is for my desktop with virtualdj on it, the 2nd and 3rd outs are combined for a 32in screen audience facing and a smaller 24in screen facing the singer on stage.


@Mark: Nope, that's not what I wanted to say at all in my first post. Maybe the best way to describe what i am looking for is what i said before: to have a certain video file act as a screensaver and play on each and every deck as long as it is not playing yet...

I'm a little confused as to the rest of your message. I'm sorry. Anyway, I am not saying other DJ's should do or buy anything. I'm just explaining my idea for a new setup I would like to achieve and wondered if it was technically possible to:
1. have a very wide master video output of 3072x768 (3 times 1024x768 next to each other) and three decks that have their video outputs (1024x768) always shown (one next to the other) independent of the audio fader (my Matrox adapter will take care of the "splitting the image up and sending it to the right screen" part)
2. have a "screensaver" video playing non-stop and looped (on a fourth deck) and have its output shown on any of the first three decks that is not playing (though they might be loaded already)...

At first I didn't want to cloud the issue with my whole new setup idea, but then I saw that I needed to explain WHY I wanted the three decks shown all the time. My idea is to mix with three decks and that the people can see all three mixed songs on three different screens...

If you have Resolume you could already have this done.

Actually setup a Matrox Dualhead2go lastnight and did exactly what your asking for......

Pretty simple actually, no plugins needed ;-)

Thanks for the idea SI, but I would prefer to only use VDJ and not have a second software running...
Apart from the price tag, of course ;)

Hmm ok I could probably do it with VPT (which is free) as well but you only wanna use VDJ, gotcha.... Good luck

I do appreciate your input, SI. And if all else fails, I will look into your suggestions.

But do you really think it's that difficult (with a plugin) to have all three deck outputs shown at the same time, shifting each deck's output by 1024 pixels (first deck starts at pixel 1, second at 1025, and third at 2050, or something like that)?

I know nothing of programming, or making plugins for VDJ, but I would think it be possible and not even all that complicated. I could be utterly mistaken of course... Whaddayasay, Scott?
