
Forum: Old versions

话题: XDJ-RX Controller Definition XML help


I'm trying to get the XDJ-RX controlling VDJ8 and need some basic help to get me started. (I have already had some great advice BTW from PhantomDeeJay, Jakovski and others; cheers guys)...

I'm creating the definition file as prescribed in VDJpedia and have got as far as setting up the device id, vid, pid etc but am stuck with defining the midi signals for each button/slider/jog element. I require the midi note or cc note but have no idea how to obtain it for each physical button.

Is this something which needs to be supplied from Pioneer as a list, or is there a utility or function within DDJ that can display this information? I have managed to find a hardware midi diagram for Tractor but this is not the same thing, and the ".tsi" file has no reference to midi codes..

Any help would be gratefully received :-)

Cheers, Rob

发表时间 Wed 13 May 15 @ 4:27 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

发表时间 Wed 13 May 15 @ 4:56 am

发表时间 Wed 13 May 15 @ 5:10 am
Rob ? Can you send me a PM please ?
I may have done all the hard work for you allready ;)

发表时间 Wed 13 May 15 @ 5:52 am
