
Forum: General Discussion

话题: [OFFICIAL] ContentUnlimited Audio & Grooveshark - Page: 13


Using 7.4.3 and NetSearch which was working is showing no results for anything.

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 8:34 pm
Just want to know whats going on. What is the status on cu?

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 8:41 pm
HipstaControlleristMember since 2015
I used to DJ professionally, still have a substantial CD collection from ERG and NMT.
Most gigs, you don't even need 10% of the music you bring, I found CU to be helpful to supplement my collection (very easily) with songs that came along after I stopped my subscriptions. I've been doing mixes for skaters, dancers and other such events, no paid DJ gigs; but my CU subscription allowed me to keep current (when needed) without having to "buy" 60 songs I'll never use for 2 which I may use.

As a musician, it's very important for me to know that my downloading offered some compensation to the artists who created the music. Since getting VDJ Home, I've downloaded 22 songs, made good use (unpaid) of them. Trust me, in this current economy and state of technology, most artists have given up on the idea of making money with song sales; that's a very "1995" way of looking at the music business.

I've spent hours ripping cd's from my paid and licensed CD collection into iTunes accessible via VDJ (you know, those 400 or so songs you *actually use at a gig) for use in my mixes. Having some sort of online resource for spontaneous downloads and " a la minute" requests is very important to me. I'm no longer a "pro" DJ but I don't think that anyone should be ripped on for relying upon an online subscription for current or backdated hits; all it means is that we choose not to waste money on CD based subscriptions containing 95% un-useable material.

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 9:16 pm
ugabugaPRO InfinityMember since 2006
It's Been a week since Grooveshark went off line. Can we please have an official update as to what is happening and when we can expect a new service provider. Thanks

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 11:07 pm
Using 7.4.2 and still not working and they already charge me. I've a gig this weekend.!! NEED ANSWER.....!!

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 11:14 pm
DeeJayChato wrote :
Using 7.4.2 and still not working and they already charge me. I've a gig this weekend.!! NEED ANSWER.....!!

For version 7, you must upgrade to 7.4.4 (go to members area and then liscense). 7.4.4 is only 7 version that works with Netsearch. It will get you through.

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 11:34 pm
As stated in this topic - http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/200632/General_Discussion/Content_Unlimited_bringing_up__device_support_.html -

"We're still working as fast as we can to get back a reliable catalog for the music directly from the labels, and with a strong contract so we'll not get any problems like this again. We all got taken by surprise by grooveshark turn of events, and we're sorry for the inconvenience. The new provider should be available within days."

That was yesterday, so I'm afraid we have to rely on netsearch for this weekend. However, I guess everything should be fine again next week...

@ VDJ staff, I too think your could have informed us a little better. First of all, as stated before, CU members should have gotten an e-mail instead of finding out on a gig. And the info I quoted above should have been in this topic as well...

发表时间 Thu 07 May 15 @ 11:52 pm
djqwikcut wrote :
druffo1002 wrote :

Really?? Do you not read? NET SEARCH has always been there... With V8, you could turn it off so you would only see content unlimited. I am on the latest V8 and used the net search this weekend to get a few tracks that were ODD requests at a family event and they were perfect. Just as good as CU. Now, that being said, I see many people complaining that CU is gone... WAS CU your ONLY source? If it was, you shouldnt be a DJ.. CU was my backup source in case of an odd request at an event.. I pay about $50-60 a month on top of the CU price for 2 record pool services (ERG DIGITAL POOL and BPM SUPREME). if you dont have a main source besides CU, get one now or stop being a DJ :)

Just sayin ....

I own an EXTREMELY successful DJ service that is top rated in my city. I belong to PLENTY of record pools -- so don't tell me that I shouldn't be a DJ. CU is not my only source and never has been. We use CU for requests that are outside of our 500,000 song library -- and it just so happened that we had some very obscure requests at an event last week. Pulling files from YouTube is the very thing that I tell my DJs they are NOT ALLOWED TO DO and now that's all we're getting with VDJ now. I'm just appalled that VDJ didn't have anything in place nor have they taken ONE MINUTE to send an email out to the users who pay for their service. It's poor customer service and is just pushing us toward using other software entirely.


发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 12:47 am
ugabugaPRO InfinityMember since 2006
A lot of discussion going on here about DJ's who rely on CU for their music and are screwed now that it's down. I'm getting by without any real issues but it is inconvenient.

To put things in perspective, I have around 70,000 songs on my hard drive at the moment. In the past 18 months since I've been using CU, I have downloaded about 300 songs. I still however would play 10 to 20 of those per night and get another 2 or 3 requests for songs not in my collection.

Many of the songs I have downloaded from CU are also not available in the Australian itunes library. (The Australian music catalog is shit). So to replace them legally I have to track down a CD from somewhere, Dig out the vinyl and record it or buy from the US itunes store and make sure there are no authorization problems. (Try to find Nasty Girl by Vanity 6 or Sex Shooter by Apollonia for example)

Also I used to have the problem with our showgirls bringing in their own CDs with shit downloaded versions of songs the were obvious radio rips. CU also solved that problem as I could always find a usable version to play.

I hope that once a new provider is found, we don't loose the tracks that are already cached. Looking at a few hundred bucks and a lot of time if the new provider doesn't have the same international catalog of music.

Anyway, just wanted to have my say.


发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 1:30 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
druffo100 wrote :
I own an EXTREMELY successful DJ service that is top rated in my city. I belong to PLENTY of record pools -- so don't tell me that I shouldn't be a DJ. CU is not my only source and never has been. We use CU for requests that are outside of our 500,000 song library -- and it just so happened that we had some very obscure requests at an event last week. Pulling files from YouTube is the very thing that I tell my DJs they are NOT ALLOWED TO DO and now that's all we're getting with VDJ now. I'm just appalled that VDJ didn't have anything in place nor have they taken ONE MINUTE to send an email out to the users who pay for their service. It's poor customer service and is just pushing us toward using other software entirely.

One point is that he said if CU was your only source, you shouldn't be a dj. You've stated you have multiple sources, so this doesn't apply.
The second point is that no other software has the features that are available here, including the ability to get music on the fly within the software.
From the vast experience you seem to be portraying, a few random songs outside of you 500,000 library should not be any where near a major problem if you prelisten to a track before airing it. Not to mention ten major problems.
While I understand wanting a heads up when there is an issue, if possible. All of your previously cached or,owned tracks still worked. New tracks would be checked before going live. So, is it that bad to say "I am unable to get that particular song, how about this one that has the same feel?

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 1:40 am
Here's the deal: no matter what, CU subscribers paid to have access to the CU feature offered by Atomix. That feature may or may not have been one of the main reasons they chose to go with VDJ over a competitor, but it doesn't really matter; the feature was offered and now it's run into a snag. Like any other feature (especially a feature that requires a subscription), when it's not working, some people will be upset. It's completely understandable.

As for this argument that people who rely on CU for their music shouldn't be DJing and should establish an account with a record pool...well, I would say this: to belong to a record pool, you're paying money for access to music, correct? Besides being able to download copies of the music and play them outside of VDJ, how is that any different than paying money to to access CU? Think of CU as one big record pool itself. If a DJ wants to pay to use CU as his/her only source of music, I see no problem with that. If a DJ wants to rely on a personal library of music that he/she has built up over the years paying for each individual track one at a time...well, nothing wrong with that, either. The only difference I see is that one way (the personal library) is probably a little more reliable than the other. Besides that, what makes a DJ is how they interact with their audience and how successful they are at making their audience happy and giving them what they want.

I've certainly relied on CU to fill requests if I didn't own a copy of the track. I've even done sets where a good 1/3rd of the tracks in the set came from requests that I had to find from CU. It was a wonderful, handy, extremely useful feature of VDJ that I was willing to pay to use...and I sincerely hope Atomix can work it out and find another provider. All this back-and-forth over who should or shouldn't be a DJ really has nothing to do with the topic at hand. If we're going to get into that area, then maybe we should get a few really old-school DJs in here and let them tell us all that we shouldn't be DJs because we use computers. That, though, is another topic for another time.

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 8:31 am
I apologize if anyone has already commented about this but is anyone using www.mp3va.com? I work with a guy and he claims to get good content at a reasonable price from this site. I am considering joining the Prime Cuts service but wondering if mp3va is a viable option at a better price?

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 8:42 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
psuttles wrote :
Here's the deal: no matter what, CU subscribers paid to have access to the CU feature offered by Atomix. That feature may or may not have been one of the main reasons they chose to go with VDJ over a competitor, but it doesn't really matter;

Just out of curiosity: Is there even a competitive software that offers something like CU?

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 8:53 am
So im just a silly drag queen dj. but am I to understand by this that, the reason my my vdj wont find and tracks to stream or down load is because of the removal of Groove shark. not being very computer literate I have began to think that it was both my computers . can someone please clarify that it is infact asoftware issue and not my error

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 11:40 am
Even silly drag queens can read wright ;-) If you read the rest of this topic (or even the opening post) you would know it's not down because of something you've done. VDJ is working on a solution, should be available next week.

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 12:11 pm
Is anyone else having a problem with NetSearch? I was using it a few days ago and it was working fine, but now whenever I search for anything the only result I get is an audio file called "devicesupport", when I try to play this it's an audio track of a few minutes, but with no sound. I'm using VDJ8. A little annoyed if I'm honest. I don't rely upon CU or NetSearch, but it is handy for some of the obscure songs that I don't have

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 2:37 pm
Be sure you are running the latest version of VDJ 8 - currently b2245

Just tested and all working here.

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 3:52 pm
nothing is working!!! net search is error! i need too work tomorrow need this too work plz

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 4:13 pm
yourlive wrote :
Even silly drag queens can read wright ;-) If you read the rest of this topic (or even the opening post) you would know it's not down because of something you've done. VDJ is working on a solution, should be available next week.

well said. A LOT of arguing for nothing. Patience gentleman patience!

发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 4:14 pm
davidbee wrote :
i need too work tomorrow

You can still work tomorrow - assuming that you're not talking about DJing, because of course you need a Pro license to do that.


发表时间 Fri 08 May 15 @ 4:18 pm