
Forum: Old versions

话题: Tips for installing VDJ 7 & 8 on the same machine?



Are there any issues with running VDJ 7 & 8 on the same machine?

I am successfully running the latest VDJ 7 on my live gigging machine. My home PC has the same version and I sync the databases and VirtualDJ folder before and after every gig to keep them identical so I can update track details, cue points, etc. on my home PC without having to set up the working rig between gigs. This has worked flawlessly for me for years! :)

There have been a few issues with my controller (Behringer CMD Studio 4a) that are only fixed in v8 and I would like to test them. However, I want to keep the existing v7 install untouched so I can continue syncing it with my live machine.

If I install VDJ 8 on my home machine, will it interact with my existing v7 at all? Does it use the same database format, create it's own database or update the existing one to a new format? How about registry entries? Are any of them shared between the versions? Any other tips for installing to get a completely separate installation?

I did search first but please point me to relevant existing posts if this has been covered before.

Sorry for so many questions but I wanted to cover all the bases... :)


发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 3:52 am
V8 replicates the V7 database upon install and from that point on they will be separate.

Regarding settings, V8 now used an XML file and not the registry, so again no conflict.

You can have both running side by side with no effect on the other. Just remember any changes to the database made on V7 will not replicate on V8 and vice versa.


发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 6:32 am
On that last point, if you're still going to be using both versions then I'd suggest doing database work (adding new tracks, editing comments and so on) in VDJ 7 then importing the updated 7 database into 8 by simply deleting the 8 database prior to running 8 again.

If 8 doesn't find it's own database, it imports the old one.

Basically 8 is backwards compatible and can read the old database, but 7 cannot read anything from 8 - so if you edit stuff in 8 there's no way for 7 to read the changes.

发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 6:39 am
And also remember any changes made in version 8 that are new to the database eg. colouring tracks will be lost if you recover back to a V7 database convert.

发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 6:43 am
I think stuff like that should be part of settings.xml really, so it can be retained.

IMO track colouring should be global (based on criteria such as genre, bpm, year) rather than set track-by-track.

发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 6:54 am
Thanks, all, for the info. Think it's about time I had a go at v8. :)


发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 5:27 pm

Found a couple of bugs straight off: v8 writes the database and 'Folders' folder into v7's directory even if you install into a fresh location. I'm sure that's not supposed to happen... :(

Also, once you install v8, v7 writes it's database to v8's folder, too. This has messed up my working v7 install!

There are clearly some registry entries shared between the two versions, particularly 'HomeFolder' and 'RunFolder'. If you install into different folders it all goes pear-shaped.

Good job I have backups... :(

I'd better report these as bugs.

发表时间 Tue 07 Oct 14 @ 7:10 pm
Yes, the data directory is a fixed thing. You can pick where the executable is installed, but the data folder location for 8 is the same as for 7.

The two database files are completely separate entities. Although they are stored in the same folder, neither one interferes with the other.

VDJ 8 does not use the registry.

发表时间 Wed 08 Oct 14 @ 3:28 am
You can change the data folder during installation in either version. It's the 'Skins & Plugins' option during a custom install.

Both versions need their own data folder. When I backup each version's data, I don't know which files belong to which version. It's not safe to back up the whole folder if I need to restore the versions independently: I would overwrite any changes to the version I wasn't trying to restore, IYSWIM. (See my original post above for my setup.)

BTW, v8 uses the registry A LOT! See my post in the v8 bug reports forum to find out how much. ;)

发表时间 Wed 08 Oct 14 @ 5:01 am
Skins & plugins aren't the main VDJ data. What I'm referring to is the database file and the various other config files in Documents\VirtualDJ.

As for the registry, I'm just going on what the main dev has posted in the past. Even now there seems to be conflicting information being posted.


发表时间 Wed 08 Oct 14 @ 7:25 am
Groovin why do you make it such a deal ?
Adion was replying in a question if VirtualDj can be portable. The answer is no because at the moment there's no way to tell it where to grab the data (settings) from.
However yes version 8 reads / use ONE single registry key (Home Folder)
You can try it by yourself. Copy your VirtualDj folder somewhere else or rename it, change the registry key and start VirtualDj 8. Everyhting will work as it should! End of story! :)
There's no need to continue arguing on this subject! :)

发表时间 Wed 08 Oct 14 @ 9:00 am
