
Forum: Old versions

话题: Most Played - Edit XML?


djlowryHome userMember since 2007
Is there anywhere I can edit info for Most Played? I lost some files and now that they are in a different folder I wonder can I edit the Filepath so my Most Played charts stays the same?

发表时间 Thu 24 Jul 14 @ 4:49 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Do you still have the database entries for the files that moved if so relink them to the new file location inside VDJ (probably the easiest way)
If you got rid of the database entries for these missing files, try to restore the xml to a previous version

If you can't do that, you can fudge the play count in the xml, this is one entry from my xml
You could change the PlayCount to whatever but it would be labour intensive

<Song FilePath="M:\Music\D &amp; B\Jungle\General Waste - Waste Of Time.mp3" FileSize="10462661" Flag="8192">
<Tags Author="General Waste" Title="Waste Of Time" Genre="Calyspso Jungle" Year="2012" Flag="1" />
<Infos SongLength="261.564082" FirstSeen="1399211820" FirstPlay="1399933380" LastPlay="1399933380" PlayCount="1" Bitrate="320" Color="1791940" Cover="34" />
<Comment>Swing and jungle</Comment>
<Scan Version="510" Bpm="0.315805" Volume="1.052242" Key="Bm" Flag="7" />
<Poi Pos="0.050431" Type="beatgrid" />
<Poi Type="automix" Point="realStart" />
<Poi Pos="261.456689" Type="automix" Point="realEnd" />
<Poi Type="automix" Point="fadeStart" />
<Poi Pos="261.178050" Type="automix" Point="fadeEnd" />
<Poi Pos="24.208254" Type="automix" Point="cutStart" />
<Poi Pos="260.892880" Type="automix" Point="cutEnd" />

发表时间 Thu 24 Jul 14 @ 7:16 pm
djlowryHome userMember since 2007
Yeah, if I drag the entries in Most Played into deck I get error. I have new physical files on computer. Just different folder structure. How do I relink them?

发表时间 Fri 25 Jul 14 @ 3:15 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
V7 oder v8?

Mac or PC?

发表时间 Fri 25 Jul 14 @ 6:30 am
djlowryHome userMember since 2007
v7 PC

发表时间 Fri 25 Jul 14 @ 8:08 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Ah right V7 , my mistake , well open the xml find one of the 'old' entries and change the file path to it's new location

发表时间 Fri 25 Jul 14 @ 11:59 am
