
Forum: Old versions

话题: Akai LPD8 Help.............


OK I have 2 of these and I want to use 1 on each deck. I have downloaded a mapper and definition file but VDJ sees them both as the same one.

I have no clue how to make a new definition file, can someone please help me out?? Im also using a Mac if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the time and info, hope to hear from someone soon

发表时间 Wed 11 Sep 13 @ 9:20 pm
Ok I got it and heres how,

I used 2 different device XML's. I had to use the LPD8 editor for this part. I plugged them in 1 at a time and uploaded/saved each of the presets. I did this for both units using different files. Then I went into my documents/VDJ/devices and open both device XML files, I then copy and pasted one of the XML's into the other to create 1 big XML. Now when I open VDJ both unit are there but in one huge file. Now I can remap the knobs & buttons to my liking.

Hope this helps someone, I should make a video showing how I did it.

发表时间 Wed 11 Sep 13 @ 10:12 pm
Very interesting of having to make one big xml like that...I find video tutorials are much easier to follow.

发表时间 Wed 11 Sep 13 @ 10:34 pm
that's pretty cool, I would have thought you would have to mess about with the "device_side 'left' ? leftSide : rightSide" stuff

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 12:24 am
I forgot about all that method, lol! But so far so good. I have a few knobs that are the same note but once I figure out how to change them things will be good.

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 8:25 am
Well I'm at work and I was thinking about the way I did it.

Can someone tell which number in this line is the "MIDI channel"
<button cc="0x01" value="0x00" name="CC SC1 Pad2" />

I'm thinking maybe you could probably use the same device XML twice, just by changing the MIDI channel number which would make things a little easier.

So which number in that line is my MIDI channel number please??

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 12:00 pm
you need to add in the channel attribute

<button cc="0x01" value="0x00" channel="0x0[color=red]0"[/color] name="CC SC1 Pad2" />

if you look on miditrace the red number is the channel

90 09 7F 00
80 09 00 00

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 12:36 pm
Hmm, I got this out of the Simms lpd8 mapper in the download section and the channel is not there.

So let me get this right, if I add that line to my XML then in theory it should work like I said up above...... Right??

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 12:39 pm
yep you can add it in, all it's doing is telling VDJ what channel the button/knob is on. Also you should take note that VDJ is zero indexed, meaning that if you put you lpd on channel 1 in the controller editor software, you should say channel 0 or 0x00 in the xml as counting on computers starts at zero

1 = 0x00
2 = 0x01
3 = 0x02
4 = 0x03
5 = 0x04
6 = 0x05
7 = 0x06
8 = 0x07
9 = 0x08
10= 0x09
11= 0x0a
12= 0x0b
13= 0x0c
14= 0x0d
15= 0x0e
16= 0x0f

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 12:53 pm
Well I'm doing this all from my phone so it sucks, lol! But I see you changed from numbers to letters and that you only went to 9 which I'm assuming 0=1 and 9=10. For the letters I can only go to "J" ??

Thanks for the time and info bro!! Much appreciated!!

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 1:58 pm
no, the numbers are hexadecimal meaning hex "6" deca "10" or 16 that's 0 ------> f. The way you would go beyond that is 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 -----------> 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22 etc... but there are only 16 channels that midi can operate on, so you won't need to go past "0x0f" in this case.

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 2:17 pm
Haha, just when I thought I was getting a handle on things, lmao!! OK I'll it out tonight.

Again bro, Thanks for all the info!!

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 2:28 pm
anytime bro ;-)

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 2:34 pm

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 3:05 pm
Man somedays I'm so STUPID!!

OK Ive been using this device file/mapper, http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/15758/AKAI_LPD8_4_PROGRAMS_DEF_MAPPER.html
Anyways he has the buttons that are set to "NOTES" on deck 1 and the buttons set to "CC" (control change) on deck 2. Well I leave 1 unit on NOTE and the other on CC thus giving me the ability to use 2 LPD8 units at once!!

So if anyone wants to use 2 of these at the same time use this device/mapper file,http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/15758/AKAI_LPD8_4_PROGRAMS_DEF_MAPPER.html

Synth Thanks for all the help and I hope this thread helps somebody.........

发表时间 Thu 12 Sep 13 @ 10:29 pm
And here is the finished product,

Thanks again bro!!

发表时间 Fri 13 Sep 13 @ 12:14 am
no worries bro, also I remember that there was a couple of banks of buttons that were note's and a couple of banks that were CC, the cc ones send the pressure sensitivity, they are perfect for samplers as the only register the sensitivity when you press them, when you release the message sent to the software remains the same instead of turning off this makes drumming very natural feeling.

发表时间 Fri 13 Sep 13 @ 1:08 am
