
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Pioneer DDJ T1 Midi/Mapping


hi all!

ok so i bought a pioneer DDJ T1 this week and have been playing around hoping to get it working at least to some level with VDJ as traktor is rubbish and doesn't support video. i've downloaded the device definitions and mapping files from the site and installed them etc, even tried changing the midi setup name between "Pioneer DDJ-T1" & "PIONEER DDJ-T1" The device shows up on the soundcard drop down in set-up, but nothing shows up in the mappers set up page except "keyboard" & "basic midi wrapper" which is empty! should pioneer DDJ-T1 show up in the mapper menu, i've tried just about everything i can think of, was hoping to get it working from one of the already created mapper files and then modify it from there to my own needs!

发表时间 Thu 21 Jun 12 @ 8:49 pm
open the xml in a text editor and add (macdrivername="driver_name") to the device line

make sure the driver_name is exactly the same as the device name (case sensitive).

while your there make sure the vid and pid are correct.

Thanks man, that worked great... however the mapper does not!

i'm new to mapping only really done the basics in the past, and it's mainly the LED's that are bugging me with this mapper. how do i find out what the correct midi commands are for the LED's, is there a list or perhaps some utility i can use to re-work the LED mapping.

99.9% of the time the leds are receiving the same message as the buttons send, so open your definition xml and copy all the buttons, paste them into a new temporary file, use "find & rename" to replace (button) with (led), then (name=") with (name="led_) then paste it all back in the xml, you should now have working leds. You can also add the "default" attribute to the led definitions so they will automatically respond to whatever the button is mapped to. default has to be the same name as the button.

<button note="0x00" channel="0" name="button_name" />

<led note="0x00" channel="0" default="button_name" name="led_button_name" />

i think i understand that! :) thanks again!

does anyone have that XML def and map files for the ergo as im sure it's possible to make the platter lights spin around, virtual dj doesn't seem to like making that happen for some reason and suspect the def for the ergo will reveil some interesting stuff.

just so everyone knows I intending to make a completely working def, map and skin for the DDJ-T1, if i get everything working perfectly I'll upload it to the site.

you define multiple leds as <bar/>.

If you have a window laptop you can use chackl's definer tool to trigger the leds to find the right message, not sure how you would do it on a mac.

this is from the wiki regarding "bar"

Progress bars and VU meters

Progress bars are defined by a <bar> element, with the following properties:
- cc: the MIDI cc
- min: (optional) value to send for 0% (default 0)
- max: (optional) value to send for 100% (default 0x7F)
- inverted: (optional) invert the direction of the bar
- mask: (optional) mask to apply to the value to send
- ccoff: (optional) MIDI cc where to send the value before it changes

Alternatively, if the progress bar consists of several LEDs each with an individual MIDI note, you can use a <bar> element with the following properties:
- note: the MIDI note of the first LED
- nb: the number of LEDs (therefore the MIDI note of the last LED will be note+nb-1)
- inverted: (optional) if set to true, the LEDs will be lit from right to left


interesting! most of this is going over my head but I'm starting to understand a little more about it with everything i read!

something i still don't understand is how do I find out the midi note of the LED's

you need to find a program that can send midi to the device that works on mac like chackl's definer, then send midi on signals until you find the right one, there is 128 on each midi channel, and 16 different channels, but it's usually on the same channel as everything else so shouldn't be too hard to find.

like I said if you have access to a windows computer it will be much easier, unless you contact pioneer directly to ask for the midi chart "but they may be hesitant in giving it up".

they must have done it different from on the T1 as the jog wheel <bar/> lines didn't do anything tried changing the channels and stuff put nothing changed!, the need search doesn't have LED's on the T1 and there's no UV meters so its just the jog wheel LED's i need to get working...

the rest is easy to work out!

does anyone know a good midi monitor utility for mac?

ok I'm forgetting the job wheels for now as the mapper from the web site and by the looks of things the def' file are a total mess!

i'm going right back to basics! and discovered some very strange things going on! when I map the play/pause buttons on deck 1 and 2 the leds on deck 2 respond as expected and same on deck 1 when they are however the LED's on deck 1 are responding when the button on deck 2 is pushed???

heres from the def file:

<button note="0x0B" channel="0" name="PLAY_A" />
<led note="0x0B" value="1" channel="0" name="LED_PLAY_A" default="PLAY_A" />

<button note="0x0B" channel="1" name="PLAY_B" />
<led note="0x0B" value="1" channel="1" name="LED_PLAY_B" default="PLAY_B" />

looks good to me! ._.

and here's from the map file:

<map value="PLAY_A" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="PLAY_B" action="deck 2 play_pause" />

can't work this out! :(

your making 4 times as much work for yourself if you define the controller like that

<button note="0x0B" channel="0" deck="1" name="PLAY_A" />
<led note="0x0B" value="1" channel="0" deck="1" name="LED_PLAY" default="PLAY" />

<button note="0x0B" channel="1" deck="2" name="PLAY" />
<led note="0x0B" value="1" channel="1" deck="2" name="LED_PLAY" default="PLAY" />

now when you map the action, you don't need to specify the deck in front of every action and you just need to make every type of control once not 4 times. so the global "PLAY" is mapped as "play ? on & pause : blink & play".

***also not sure why you are using "value" I have never needed it with leds as 7F is usually on and 00 is off. with value="1" I Think you are saying 01 is on and 00 is off.***

i didn't write that code! it came from the def file writen by another user! i thought the value was a little weird too but i'm new to thjs script so wasn't sure! thanks for the tip about the deck tag! very useful! :) again you've been a great help.

will try this out tomorrow so you should hear back from me with another problem and/or question fairly soon! :P

any luck with the mapper? i have just bought a ddj t1 and want to run it with my virtual pro the mapper i have is not very good and seems a waste to not have the leds working also the jog wheels are not that active

Please stop asking questions about the DDJ-T1 in every related thread you can find.

Use one thread and ask all your questions there.

Thank you

