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话题: Importing Serato Cue points to VDJ? - Page: 4


locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
So news with Cues, up to something like 4m18s (64^3/1000) I can decode and explain exactly how to decode. Cues higher than this I can decode but I only have data for 1 cue like this so, I can't exactly explain.
Dhoude has been great sending me tags, but that's on pause as he's mobile atm not a problem because thinking time helps.
Once I get the next set of data as long as if follows similar rules to <4m18s then cues will be complete because it should cover cues up to 776 days!

The next thing I need is info from serato users on colour, I have absolutely no idea what this means but I guess it would be important if you wanted to import serato tagged tracks in to V8, is it like V8 and you can colour tracks in the browser? How many colours can you select from? or is it something else? Is it important?

Also loops, obviously a must if this isn't to be a half arsed venture, I have no idea about how they are implemented (I haven't seen a saved loop tag yet) , are they separate from cues? How many can you have?
I'm guessing loops are either 1 marker and a length, or 2 markers (start, end) so (I'm hoping) nothing too clever, but knowing what data to request helps.

And finally Bpmlock, it's there in the tags I don't know anything about it so I can't begin to begin, what is it? is it a yes/no is it something else, again is that important?

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 7:13 pm
all i have is serato into so it could be different in the full blown but i bet not

there is 21 colors
when a track is playing it colors the wheel that color on the on screen deck and it places a colored dot next to the track in the library.

can't figure out how to save loops in it. its my guess that this free version doesn't support that sorry.

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 8:34 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
No need to be sorry, the information given is useful. Would you consider colour to be useful if it was transported into VDJ?
*personal thought
(at present maybe not, but if the track name in the textzone adopted the track colour from the browser then perhaps)
(or maybe, still useful in the browser just not as useful as it could be)

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 8:51 pm
for me just the cue points would be awesome if it was a 2 way thing where u can transfer from one to the other
color i never use in serato because it doesn't color the list like in vdj.

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 9:17 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I do seriously doubt it would ever be a two way thing neither company would put the work in to make it to be easy to leave their product, but the hope is if VDJ could import serato cues then maybe serato will have a massive press release announcing a VDJ cue point importer and it'll only cost 60 bucks! :-)

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 9:39 pm
haha yeah too bad it cant be a 3rd party app that just does it.

发表时间 Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 9:58 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I bit the bullet and installed Live, much progress, I'll list in the order they are in the Geob tags
Track colour: Done all 21 colours
Cues Position : Done (the highest possible time is over 4&1/2 hours)
Cue Number : Done
Cue colour : Done, (with some skinning smarts V8 can have coloured cues too, thanks for the pointer djsadim, get on with it Fruit :-) )
Loop number : Done
BPMLOCK : Done Just discovered what it is and what it does to the tags and it doesn't feel important.
Not complete
Loops, I've identified data for what could be a in and a out point, but I've only started looking at this and it's a bit different, also locked loop yet to find (no use in V8 but best to understand how it can change the tags)

Is there anything important to Serato tags I've missed?

发表时间 Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 3:10 am
pseftPRO InfinityMember since 2009
ldb1968 wrote :
beatbreaker1 wrote :
ldb1968 wrote :

It actually SUX that VDJ can't read Serato Cue points....especially when you have around 15-20 thousand files already with cue points set in Serato and you want to cross over or use VDJ sometimes. Having to redo every cue with as many files as I have would take forever!!!

That can work both ways, why doesn't Serato read VDJ cue points??

There are more DJ'S using Serato than VDJ......that's a fact! I like both but switched to Serato DJ a few years ago

how many djs use VDJ with serato skins

发表时间 Sun 14 Sep 14 @ 5:49 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
TL:DR version, it's cracked, track colours. cues: number, position, colour. loops: number, start point, end point.

(All information posted is free to use but some sort of reward & credit would be fair, {Dhoude deservers some freebies too})
Done as far as I think needs be, time to hand over the reigns, open a serato cued track with NP++ and see something like this ( much further below)
I've broken the code up and all my notes will be inside brackets below, the specific chars spaced on their own.
Before I post the raw code I'll show you what happens when you decode from Mine base 64 to ASCII, this is how I started
CUE������� �����
LOOP�������-�� �33��
LOOP��������� �33��
I figured stuff out by repeating stuff, and then changing stuff to isolate the variables, (I got data from Dhoude (Thanks!) and used both Live 2.5 and DJ 1.7) then the major break through was understanding that even after converting all numbers are in base 64. so ABCD = 0,1,2,3 to decimal (0*64cubed)+(1*64squared)+(2*64)+3 = 4227

So anyway open a track in NP++ and somewhere you'll see this
Serato Markers2

(these isolated last chars converted from B64 to Hex then if you drop the lowest hex digit you get a colour I don't really get what format but it is a colour, )
(P///0 = FFFFFF4, drop the last digit = FFFFFF, this track does not have a colour, possible colours noted at the end)
( This Char divide it by 4 and you get the cue number, A = 0, 0/4 = 0 this is cue 0 {cue 1 for non nerds} )
( see E = 4, /4 = cue 1)
( These 4 Chars give you the cue time in milliseconds as a B64 number AgcA = 132864 milliseconds)
(serato will show this as 2m12.9s due to rounding)
(These 4 Chars converted to hex are the cue colour this one is 003333 again I'm confused with what format)
(I used a colour identifier http://html-color-codes.info/colors-from-image/ and worked backwards from a serato screenshot)
(Next is loops, below, only cracked this today)
(This is a B64 loop number, this is loop 0 )
( This is odd,These 6 chars /16 equals the start time in ms of the loop, 1136 / 16 = 71ms)
(because of rounding serato shows this as 0.1s)
(This next 5 chars /4 equals the loop end point (ms), 150687 / 4 = 37671.75ms)
(The above 2 are a bit ad hoc, but accurate, I'm sure the coders will know the correct coding to avoid decimal points of ms)
(This Char indicates a locked loop in boolean A=0 B=1, the code line above this one is the only unlocked loop)
(finally Bpmlock 2nd last A , not important for VDJ but /4 and you have a boolean A/4=0 E/4=1)

About the colours, these are the 21 possible track colours (again worked backwards with the web based identifier) the 18 cue colours I didn't bother work back from as the default colours proved consistent with the code.
#FF9999 #FFBB99 #FFDD99
#99FF99 #99FFBB #99FFDD
#9999FF #BB99FF #DD99FF

So anyway that's it, the grunt work is done, I hope to see this in a future build. If you're a serato user just drp $3 into the loco licence fund :[)

发表时间 Sun 14 Sep 14 @ 5:18 pm
nice work now to get someone with programming skills to take notice

发表时间 Sun 14 Sep 14 @ 5:38 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Anyone using Serato Flip? I've studied the videos and I understand the logic (how it would work in V8), I'm curious as to how it's stored (GEOB or DB), Anyone want to help me crack that?

Purely academic, but I'm hoping a on the fly V8 system/scripting for action POI is on it's way, as a though exercise I've been trying to work out how V8 would beat flip, I can copy flip (just takes longer) and I can make it bullet proof {much further than flip, scratching through flip cues backwards and forwards} but with VDJ being much more adaptable, whatever (flip) system that gets put in place needs to be bomb proof.

*edit* this isn't a pro VDJ stance, I firmly believe proprietary, obfuscated systems deserved to be cracked.

发表时间 Fri 19 Sep 14 @ 6:32 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
It does not bennifit my particular cause, but I would step up and buy the plugin to help you decode how stuff is stored if it helps. Only like $30 and I like knowing how both software works now. Although I have had a hell of a journey getting SDJ video useable! Video plaback is just horrible and ZERO support for PC.

Other thing I find funny. All the Mac guys bash the PC users over there and I mean gang up on them. They say "just buy a Mac and X problem will be over" then the next post they say "nobody uses the Serato Video plugin because it is horrible, they need to use mix emergency (MAC only) to get good playback". Those guys kill me over there!

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 8:56 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Don't know if you still wondering what format the colour is, but here is the explanaition.
They are HTML Colour Codes, or WEB Colours. It's a hex format. Most often there is a leading # to indicate the hex value.

# indicating the hex value. The next 6 (sometimes 8, 2 for alpha value) divided into pairs is FF FF FF.
FF in decimal is 255.
And the pairs of hex value maps to RGB colour codes.
So FFFFFF is 255,255,255 for red, green, and blue results in white.

#000000 = 0 red, 0 green, 0 blue -> no colour at all -> black.

Everything else are combinations...

In your example 003333 should be some kind of a gree-blue colour.

For more information: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp

Or a for testing. Just insert your hex value here: http://html-color-codes.info/

nd BTW, accourding to this page http://www.onedollardata.com/encoder.php
this P///0 (B64) in Hex is 3FFFFF which is turquois (or kind of)

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 9:44 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I wouldn't worry about it (flip) now, A few things have to move before it might be required. (popularity of flip, V8 getting a system {should be possible the track clearner isn't much off being the prototype frame for something like flip } )

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 10:03 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@ PachN I tried all kinds of colour pickers and when I put the numbers in the hue was correct but the it was always too dark, the colour identifier I mentioned in the post (extracted the colours from a screen shot) Gave me numbers I was seeing in the tags.

Your conversion is wrong, because it takes only 4 B64 Chars to get a 6 Char Hex number, I'll guess your converter worked on B64 coding i.e. 4 char boundaries
(I did use that converter to begin with but found a better one)
I used http://alfredo4570.net/src/bases.html, (doesn't rely on boundaries, just converts bases, then my drop the L.S hex char system is accurate.)
P/// = 3FFFFF
P///0 = FFFFFF4 drop the 4 = FFFFFF = white, and as there is no white option to give to a track I surmised = Default

It's just a bit odd that only track colour worked in this weird. 5 Char way. I can't say why, I only spotted the patterns.
Maybe it's supposed to be 8 hex chars colours, I'll have a look

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 10:31 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
So maybe its RGBA where the 0 (or 4) is the alpha colour.

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 10:41 am
DHoude wrote :

Other thing I find funny. All the Mac guys bash the PC users over there and I mean gang up on them. They say "just buy a Mac and X problem will be over" then the next post they say "nobody uses the Serato Video plugin because it is horrible, they need to use mix emergency (MAC only) to get good playback". Those guys kill me over there!

It does work but unlike VDJ Serato doesn't supply the codecs needed. After you get that all set up it works just as good as VDJ.

As far as Mix Emergency goes it is a badass video plugin!! The effects and transitions blow ours away. If our video effects and transitions were the same as M.E. VDJ would be unstoppable!!

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 10:44 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@PachN Thanks for the lead, I'll look into it when my head is set for staring at code.

@beatbreaker Can't VDJ handle 3rd party video effects ?(like VST's whatever they're called for Vjing)

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 11:03 am
Well I know we used to be able to use Freeframe effects but I think that got broken with 8.

Point me in the right direction and I'll try whatever.

发表时间 Mon 22 Sep 14 @ 12:11 pm
looks like the 3rd party app for this is on the way atleast for mac users -> http://djworx.com/bpm-2014-rekord-buddy-2/

according to the video they are expanding to vdj and various other software in next version

发表时间 Mon 29 Sep 14 @ 8:11 pm