
Forum: Old versions

话题: Hercules RMX + VDJ 7 Technical Difficulties



I have a problem with my Hercules RMX Console and VDJ 7. Sometimes, when in the middle of a set, something happens and the sound becomes really distorted. This is definitely not a problem with the EQs, I've tried killing each one of them and the problem persists. Also, this has happened to my Desktop with VDJ LE, to 1 of my laptops with VDJ LE and to another one of my laptops with both VDJ LE and VDJ 7. Nothing to do with speakers also, cause when DJing in my bedroom with some small speakers of mine the problem may still occur, and it also occurs sometimes when playing in a small bar with proffesional speakers. I believe that the problem is with my RMX or with my configuration. Can someone help me, has it happened to you before?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: To fix the problem, I need to shut down VDJ and restart it once or twice, until the message "Error in the ASIO driver" stops appearing during startup. This error only occurs after the sound's distortion appears, and it's totally random. I never use another programme while DJing (i.e. a web browser etc), so this can't be the problem either.

EDIT2: I just noticed this is in the wrong section, can a moderator move it please? Sorry for this =/

发表时间 Sun 12 Feb 12 @ 8:41 am

发表时间 Sun 12 Feb 12 @ 10:12 am
Mate please, I' m not retarded :P. Yes, I have.

发表时间 Sun 12 Feb 12 @ 11:48 am
DJ PhatsoPRO InfinityHercules Support TeamMember since 2005
Your problem might be electrical issue, either a difference of potential between 2 devices you touch a the same time, or an electrostatic discharge.

1) If the issue is problem of difference of potentials between 2 gears.

If the issue happens when you touch another electric device at the same time as the Rmx (as a mixing table, an amplifier (or heaphones or a microphone plugged to an amplifier), amplified speakers, ), it is not an electro-static problem: it is a problem of difference of potential between the Rmx and the other device, which probably means the connection to the ground doesn't work (it means the ground of the computer and the ground of the other electric device are not at the same potential), so a short term solution is to plug the computer and the other device (the device you touch at the same time when you get the discharge generated by the difference of potential) on the same power supply, and a long term solution is to ask an electrician to check your electric network.

2) If the origin of your problem is an electrostatic discharge

It is probably electrostatic discharge if the issue happens always when you put the hand on the Console, and a way to prevent is would be to

- remove the screw holding the aluminum plate to the console on rear panel close to the USB plug,
- wind a thin metal cable (as a copper wire) around the screw
- fix the screw again,
- wind the other end of the copper cable around the input 1-2 ground screw.

发表时间 Mon 13 Feb 12 @ 2:40 pm
I have having the same exact problem. It has happend to me twice now. I thought I was the only one. It's crazy after playing fine for 15 20 minutes the static gets so bad I have to turn it off. this happened to me right in the middle of a gig. I have not found a solution to this, I run a hercules rmx with to technics 1200's and the only way I can get this to stop is to run virtual dj with just rmx and no timecodes. Please help

发表时间 Wed 15 Feb 12 @ 7:39 pm
DJ PhatsoPRO InfinityHercules Support TeamMember since 2005
Have you read my previous message ?

发表时间 Fri 17 Feb 12 @ 8:45 am
