
Forum: General Discussion

话题: PC DMX control software


PuttePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi, I plan to use a PC instead of the hardware control to control my DMX lights and are now trying to find a good software that works well and is easy to program /edit, if it was possible to program the lights without connecting them to see results virtual 3D view would be nice, I have 8 pieces PAR 56 DMX lights and the same number of DMX effects, I would like the program to run in the background on the computer i'm running VDJ on and that I was using an iPad / iPhone to control the lights via any app or via a dedicated computer for lighting control, I need about 10-20 scenes / patterns depending on the type of job im doing, (karaoke, disco ...)
I bought a "enttec open DMX USB" dongle for the mission, if you any have any tips on which program may best suit my needs i would be greatful for the tips // Patrik

发表时间 Sun 18 Dec 11 @ 8:54 am

发表时间 Sun 18 Dec 11 @ 9:12 am
gullumPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I have the myDMX from American DJ it is very easy to program and also has a 3d visual. But it don't have sound active witch is a minus for me.

Thomann.de has a Starville dmx controller that you can use the computer to program and then upload to the box and use without the computer.


there are 2 other models that run only from computer that are much cheeper though.

http://www.thomann.de/intl/dmx_hardware_software.html several differant brands of usd DMX controllers

发表时间 Sun 18 Dec 11 @ 10:08 am
CMBDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I use Lumidesk. It's similar to myDMX, but it's activly developed with new features and fixes. And it has pretty good audio features. Hopefully midi clock is in the list of new features with VDJ 8.

发表时间 Sun 18 Dec 11 @ 10:23 am
Freestyler is a great free program that works perfect with the enttec open usb. I believe it has a visualiser but I have never tried it. You can then also use SBDJ's most excellent plugin to control them in perfect time with your beat grid.



发表时间 Mon 19 Dec 11 @ 3:17 pm
infoHome userMember since 2021
Have a look at www.venuemagic.co.uk - it too has a plug in for Virtual DJ so that you can control your lighting from within Virtual DJ.

It also links up withthe VDJ BPM anyliser so that it can keep the beat tapper for the lighting in time with your music - so as you adjust the tempo in virtual dj it automatially adjusts it in venue magic too.

It's a real powerful piece of software and OK it's not free like freestyler but it can do a lot more too

A brief video of the plug in can be seen here



发表时间 Mon 19 Dec 11 @ 7:04 pm
For those of you running DMX controller software AND VDJ on the same computer...how is it going for you? Does running both bog down the CPU or RAM? I've been told that your dedicated DJ computer should be just for that, just in case of driver conflicts or hardware conflicts...

发表时间 Wed 21 Dec 11 @ 3:47 pm
CMBDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
The only time I've seen issues with performance...is if I was doing music video, mixing, AND DMX. I never tested it live, but did at home, and thought that their could be issues. The main issue I have is clicking back and forth from VDJ to Lumidesk. I tested it live at an event, and grew tired of constantly having to minimize and maximize back and forth. It was a big distraction and added up to alot of time wasted. If I had to, I could run both apps on 1 pc, but I would only do it if my secondary laptop was down.

发表时间 Wed 21 Dec 11 @ 3:52 pm
I'm new to VDJ. I started back DJ'ing about 4 months ago. When I did it 10 years ago, it was all cd's. I play dance and karaoke. My question is this. At the moment I have one Stagg "dancer" light as I call it and from what I understand it is a very customizable light. I'm told I should get a lighting controller because I have 5 more lights on the way. I would like to be able to controller them from VDJ or a program associated with it instead of getting another piece of hardware. Can some recommend a good "entry level" program? I've been looking all over the internet and cannot find a good tutorial to help me understand how to do all this. I appreciate any help but if you're gonna be a smart ass and give rude comments please don't.

发表时间 Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 2:34 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
DMX Integration with VDJ has three possibilities at present:

* Freestyler
* VenueMagic
* Chauvet Showxpress/Sweetlight/TheLightingController

发表时间 Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 2:44 pm
farley.76 wrote :
instead of getting another piece of hardware

Even when using DMX software, you'll still need to buy some hardware.

They're commonly known as DMX dongles, which connect to a USB socket and provide a 3 (sometimes 5) pin XLR connection for the DMX cable that runs to your lights.

Some dongles are "open source" and work with various free DMX software (e.g. Freestyler) whereas others are tied to one piece of commercial software and will usually cost you more.


发表时间 Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 2:53 pm
What are some open source ones??

发表时间 Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 3:15 pm
Look here. The Enttec and Sirs-e (I use) will work. The Sirs-e is actually made by DMX King in New Zealand, which also works.

发表时间 Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 3:47 pm
