
Forum: Old versions

话题: Help Mapping a Knob to Toggle Effect ON/OFF


Hello everyone. I'm a little new to the mapping scene. I have an M-Audio X-Session and would like to simply map one of my knobs to toggle a deck effect on or off. More specifically, I would like to have the effect be OFF when the knob is turned all the way to the left (value 0), and ON when it is turned any value to the right (any value greater than 0). I was able to set this up easily through version 5, but it seems rather difficult through version 7. Please help! Thanks in advance.

- Justin

发表时间 Wed 16 Nov 11 @ 9:55 am
hey Justin, It is easily achievable in VDJ 6+ you just need to use a variable to set the conditions the knob will operate in. You can use

"param_greater 0% ? action if true : action if false"

So for the example you have given you could use the folowing as a switch for the effect..

"param_greater 0% ? effect 'effect_name' active on : effect 'effect_name' active off"

If you want to also control the slider aswell you can use something like this

"effect 'looproll' slider 2 & param_greater 0% ? effect 'looproll' active on : effect 'looproll' active off"

you don't yet have access to looproll if you register your version you can download it from the forum.

发表时间 Wed 16 Nov 11 @ 10:13 am

Thanks so much for your help. I think I'm starting to understand how it works. That string did in fact work, but now I'm running into a problem with active decks. I would like to assign that action to one of my left knobs and one of my right knobs, for my left and right decks respectively. However, with the current string, it will only hold true if the deck specified (for example, 'deck 1', which I have put in front of that string) is selected, meaning the PFL button is lit up on the deck. I would like to have the left knob activate the effect even if deck 2 is 'selected.' I can't quite figure out how to map that yet. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

- Justin

发表时间 Fri 18 Nov 11 @ 6:01 am
It depends on how you have your controller defined, to test, go into the mapper and select key learn and move the knob you want to map, then type something in the action box, next select "new" at the bottom of the midi list, then move the knob on the other side of the controller..

If you get the same action again, it means your controller is properly defined. In that case you dont make the deck designation and just map it like in the example I gave, it will apply to both decks.

if you have nothing in the second box, you will need to make the deck designation, If you are using more than two decks you need to use "deck left/right" on the appropriote side of the controller.

发表时间 Fri 18 Nov 11 @ 11:30 am
Thanks again, but I don't think you understand what I meant. The problem is occurring when either side isn't lit up; with the 'deck 1 select' and 'deck 2 select' buttons marked 'PFL,' blue and red, on the graphical mixer interface. When a user loads a new song, that deck is automatically 'selected' or lit up. My problem is, after mapping those knobs, only the SELECTED (lit up, blue or red) deck will perform the effect activation when its knob is turned. If I don't specify decks in the string, either knob activates either side, meaning the current ('selected') deck. If I specify deck 1 to the left knob and deck 2 to the right knob, the effect won't activate unless its current deck is 'selected' and lit up. You can change this by clicked the PFL buttons on the graphical interface. This causes an inconvenience for me because I have to click back over to the deck currently playing after I load a song on the other side if I want to still use the knob for effects before I actually mix the song on the other side. Do you see what I mean? The two knobs definitely have separate definitions (the names that pop up on the midi list after key learning are different), which is how they are supposed to be and how I want them. I simply want my left knob to activate the deck 1 effect when I turn it, at all times, regardless of whether the left deck is 'selected' and lit up. Vice-versa for the other side. I get the feeling I have to specify a condition in the code to activate it regardless of whether or not it's the current / 'selected' / lit up deck on the graphical interface. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

- Justin

发表时间 Fri 18 Nov 11 @ 1:25 pm
