
Forum: Old versions

话题: Help a newbie out!


Hey. So i got myself a Virtual DJ 7.0.5 today.

I have my speakers plug'd to the rear of my computer, and my headphones to the front. So I can hear every sound that comes from my computer, from my headphones and my speakers at same time.

I have a integrated soundcard, and a Abit IP35-E motherboard.

Yes, i've read this. http://www.virtualdj.com/homepage/Blulite/blogs/4511/Headphone_Setup_and_Usage_Guide.html

I went to Config at Virtual DJ, set my Outputs as "Headphones" and "Master: Rear Output / Headphones: Front Output". I also chose 4.1 card as my Soundcard, and selected "Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)" instead of primary soundcard.

I however, absolutely can not get a song play from deck 2 on my headphones, and another play from deck 1 from the speakers. I have no Cue/Mix fader on my Virtual DJ, or maybe I'm too blind to see it.

What am I doing wrong?

发表时间 Sat 12 Nov 11 @ 8:54 am
Oh yes, and my OS is Windows 7

发表时间 Sat 12 Nov 11 @ 12:10 pm
So no1 knows solution? :/ I'm screwed..

发表时间 Sat 12 Nov 11 @ 5:43 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Your computer may have 2 outputs, but they are for convenience and are routing the same source.
The PC will have a single channel stereo sound card, not a multi channel as needed for a second monitor channel but there are other options.

Go to the set up guide on our wiki first.
Select audio configurations pdf

Then go to page 5

Follow the instructions given there.

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 6:35 am
mp3jrick wrote :
The PC will have a single channel stereo sound card, not a multi channel

According to the spec for the mother board he mentioned in the first post, it has a 7.1 card onboard.

It reads to me as if the connectors are all on the back though, and (as you say) the front socket is a dupe of the normal stereo channel.

He just needs to plug his headphones in the correct socket....


发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 7:26 am
Yeah, thanks. Well, now i plug'd my speakers to the green output jack as that guide said, and my headphones to the black output jack. Both behind my computer. Now, nothing is coming out from my headphones. Even if I play music from spotify etc. I'm not sure if Windows 7 supports the black output jack, because this wasn't the problem when i was using Windows XP..

Edit: Or actually, yes there is. When i go to Realtek Audioconfig and use the "automatic testing", there is coming audio. But not at the same time with my speakers, and can't get it work in Virtual DJ. Kinda hard to explain, since i've got finnish realtek etc :/

Edit2: Fixed that, with http://www.sevenforums.com/sound-audio/2197-realtek-hd-changing-jack-output-reassignments-fix.html. But still can't get it to work. I switched my rear speakers (PIN15, black output jack) to 04 00 00 00, which my pin14 (green output jack) was also. Well, now I can hear the music from both sources, my speakers and headphones, but still can't get this to work with VirtualDJ, since now the green output jack and black output jack are actually the same, when i switched the binary numbers to the same.

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 8:17 am
Make life easy for yourself and buy a sound card like the Numark DJIO, you wont regret it.

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 8:59 am
Ain't that like an audio interface? I already have a Phonic Firefly 302+ Audio Interface. But if I plug my headphones into it, then I can't hear sounds that come from my computer, through my headphones :<

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 9:02 am
Oh boy, some people make it so hard for themselves!

OK, you've got an external sound interface. Great...

Set VDJ up to send the main output to your computer card, and the headphone output to the external one.

Or the other way round - headphone output to computer card, main output to external.

You won't be able to send main AND headphones to the external one, because it's only got two channels (L+R) not four.

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 10:45 am
Aight, well i guess thats what i have to do :< Thanks !

发表时间 Sun 13 Nov 11 @ 11:28 am
^ please register ur software

发表时间 Tue 15 Nov 11 @ 7:41 pm
Hey again. I have another question.

I have a Yamaha DJX Midi Keyboard and a Phonic Firefly 302+ Firewire Recording Interface.

My settings are currently like this:

Inputs: None

Outputs: Advanced Configs
-> Master : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Headphones: Phonic 1394 ASIO (ASIO)

LineIn 1 : Not sure about what should this be, Phonic 1394 ASIO (ASIO), Firefly_302 - SPDIF In, Firefly_302 - Mic In or Firefly_302 Analog In 1/2?

I suppose the Outputs are as they should be, but not sure how the LineIn should REALLY be, so that it would recognize my keyboards through my Recording Interface.

And another thing: Should I be able to map my keyboards "knobs" or something, http://www.wikizic.org/1-001-001751_4-Yamaha-DJX.jpg those Cutoff, Resonance etc, so that my VirtualDJ could recognize them? So that I could map them to change volume etc.

My speakers are plugged to my computer, and headphones to my Recording Interface.

E: Hmm and not really sure how to register my VirtualDJ? :D Well I'll try to find that out

发表时间 Wed 16 Nov 11 @ 11:47 am

发表时间 Wed 16 Nov 11 @ 1:53 pm
Fairline wrote :
Should I be able to map my keyboards "knobs" so that my VirtualDJ could recognize them?

No - if you bother to read the DJX manual, it tells you that those knobs don't send anything out via MIDI.

Even if they did, you'd need a MIDI interface on your computer, as the DJX has it's MIDI I/O on DIN sockets (you'll see if you look at it!).


发表时间 Wed 16 Nov 11 @ 2:17 pm
