
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: [NEW] Pangolin : Flash player plugin for Virtual DJ - Page: 2


Ah ok how much does it cost ?

发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 2:19 pm
Dear Sven,

Thank you for your message, both here and by email.

As Don wrote, that is a demo version and the whole purpose of the demo version is to show people what the plugin does, and allow people to figure out if it's something that they want to purchase or not. Once you purchase the plug-in, then you won't see what you called the "advertising message" any longer.

Regarding the cost, we are still debating that internally, but we are curious to hear what you and other Virtual DJ users believe it is worth.

Best regards,

William Benner

发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 2:33 pm
PangolinPlugins wrote :
Regarding the cost, we are still debating that internally, but we are curious to hear what you and other Virtual DJ users believe it is worth.

Considering all other plugins are free for registered users of VDJ Pro as near to that as possible.

I dont mean to sound cheap but if plugin makers start going down this route and charging for plugins its going to take away one of the advantages VDJ has over other software.

I appreciate the effort that needs to be put in, but other plugin builders do it for love of VDJ, cudos etc not for financial reward.


发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 4:12 pm
Ok in there defense the ONLY other plugin that can do this is Firetext and I believe they charge, I may be wrong.


发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 4:26 pm
djjames, it takes alot of time to develop these kind of plugins. Most of the free plugins are done by people whose main source of revenue is not in developing plugins.

Our main source of revenue comes from programming computers and so we spend a great deal of time on it.

From our perspective it would be like asking you to DJ for free...

Our support and help are 100 percent. We can also respond to user request quickly as we spend all of our time programming without being side tracked by some other need.


发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 4:37 pm
I think Some People are really pampers.
Vdj and all Updates , Plug ins , Skins ... Are for free.
What is the Problem to Pay for some Plug ins ?
For example Skin creator is also Not for free ?!

发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 4:43 pm
Neither is the skin resizer..........Think of it as a payment to get rid of the logo.


发表时间 Thu 17 Mar 11 @ 4:47 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
If it is woth it to download, then pay. I donate to skin develpoers etc for things on here that I use and could get for free. I want to support them so that they know somebody is appreciative of thier work and would like to see them continue (not expect it).

Getting things for free is great and I am not loaded enought to just start passing it out. If too many people want things for free, there will be no motivation to stand out from your peers. I want to stand out and bring great new things to my clients. So far at my club, I am the highest paid DJ because I am the only one that brings different lights, mixes video and contributes to helping keep a new fresh environment. I am still fairly new and work among DMC champions that I don't hold a candle to! They have actually rejected some of my new ideas becasue other Djs can't offer them. Patrons have taken notice that I am the only one that offers music vids, etc and complain to the owners when I am not there! I don't repeat the same shows every night (music, vids, lights), and that costs me money. I get paid more because I bring more and the pay offsets that cost, but just like any job you have to stand out first.

Support prosperity and see how much this can really take off when we motivate the people who contribuite the most inovative new functionality! VDJ allows us to do more than we realize, if you don't contribute this sofware will end up no better than Serato where you get what you get and that is it.

发表时间 Fri 18 Mar 11 @ 9:24 am
Don Moir wrote :
djjames, it takes alot of time to develop these kind of plugins. Most of the free plugins are done by people whose main source of revenue is not in developing plugins.

Our main source of revenue comes from programming computers and so we spend a great deal of time on it.

From our perspective it would be like asking you to DJ for free...

Our support and help are 100 percent. We can also respond to user request quickly as we spend all of our time programming without being side tracked by some other need.


Don't get me wrong, I understand totally where you are coming from.

My point was that if all developers of plugins head down this route my fear is that it will take away one of the advantages and strong points of VDJ over its competitors as we will see the free developers dry up in a chance to make a few extra $. I don't mind paying for anything but one thing that attracted me to VDJ was the community and the support of skilled plugin makers and developers making extras for the love of VDJ This could disappear.

I have tried your plugin and agree it is useful and I could use it but if the price is too high there is no way I could justify the price just for a plugin and I am a full time pro dj.

For a plugin like this $10 would be absolute tops

发表时间 Fri 18 Mar 11 @ 6:40 pm
Do not worry. When someone uploads a skin/plugin, depending on the number of downloads and other criteria, he may receive a little gift from Atomix Productions. When you become part of the Premium membership, you contribute to keep this system working.

In the case of the flash plugin, this little gift can't cover all the time spent on it and the quality of the development so it's obvious it can't be free.

Atomix Productions tries to offer you the best skins/plugins for free but sometimes it's not always possible. So we prefer let you the choice between nothing or something with an extra cost. See it like a little App Store or a way to invest in new plugins for the future. You are free to decide what you want to do.

发表时间 Sat 19 Mar 11 @ 7:34 am
I am adding VDJ interface elements to the flash plugin.

So far I have:

o - Song Author
o - Song Title
o - Song Play Position
o - Song Play length
o - Beat Position
o - Beats per minute
o - Sounds samples for visualization (not complete)

What else do you think would be useful ?

These items will be available thru ActionScript 3. In the SWF file, you just define the things you want and the plugin picks that up. I will be providing some sample SWF's to show how this is used along with some documentation.

There will also be some custom text items that you can define so you can create banners or whatever with your own custom text.


发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 4:19 pm
Also the ability to control the Alpha. Say like I map a slider with "video effect slider 1" well that would control an element with other video plugins but has no effect with this one. That way I could fade in and fade out the effect instead of just turning it on and off.

Hope that makes sense, lol!

发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 4:38 pm
Huey, I know what you are asking but not sure how I have access to that data. I am looking at the 5.2 plugin doc, if there is a updated version of the documenation send me a link to it please or if there are other answers let me know.

Although this is not what your asking, just a point here. With alpha and volume, the plugin will automatcally fade these in and out as you change thumbs but it would be nice if I could tie these to VDJ controls better.


发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 5:01 pm
Not sure if this what you need, http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Developers.html

Looking forward to this plugin!!

One other thing, I know that the clips can LOOP but how about also the ability to SYNC to the beat, kinda like our CLIPBANK Plugin, just an idea.

发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 5:08 pm
I am not sure what kind of effect beat-sync is supposed to have in clip-bank. It doesn't seam to do anything for me when playing music etc.

So lol, you tell me what it is supposed to do and I will consider adding it. I am not a DJ so I am sure you all have many similiar ideas.

I was using an FLV to test with. Maybe it only works with certain file formats ?

For SWF files, you will be able to do anything you want with the various VDJ parameters. Additionally, I am considering added special effects for SWF and FLV files such as glow, shadow, dissolve. etc


发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 5:50 pm
Well after looking at the sync feature in clipbank it really isn't that noticeable so cancel that request, lol! So I guess my only request is the slider for the alpha some how be able to choose where the sound from the plugin will go. Just like I can choose which deck will output out of whatever output on my soundcard. Other then that I'm excited and can't wait to add this plugin to my show!!

Thanks for the time and hard work!

发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 10:29 pm
djjameslake wrote :
I appreciate the effort that needs to be put in, but other plugin builders do it for love of VDJ, cudos etc not for financial reward.

The technology that is in the FLASH player plugin took one year to develop. That is -- one year before it was even ported to Virtual DJ. After that, it's taken many months to get it working perfectly in Virtual DJ. This time is being spent by someone who spends his time doing literally nothing else, with no other source of income.

It could very well be that "other plugin builders do it for love of VDJ", etc. But what other sources of income do these "other plugin builders" have? The "other plugin developers" have accomplished some impressive things and we too applaud their efforts. However, we believe this plugin does things that no other plugin on earth does! Shouldn't that be worth something?

I agree with Don that it is like asking you to DJ for free. I am sure there are people who have corporate jobs, and DJ as a hobby, and will DJ a friend's birthday party for free. But there are others, such as yourselves, who DJ for a living. Therefore Don's analogy is quite a good one.

Let me rephrase my original statement:
>>Regarding the cost, we are still debating that internally, but we are curious to hear what you and other Virtual DJ users believe it is worth. <<

We'd believe the answer is higher than $10 for something that adds value to Virtual DJ in a way that nothing else on earth does!

Best regards,

William Benner


发表时间 Sun 20 Mar 11 @ 11:51 pm
@Don, I just saw your new thread and ill be tryin it out when I get home. Another feature that would nice is if you could load up all the boxes and have it randomly go through each video based on a timer. Say ever 5 minutes it will jump to the next one. Or make it so it goes in order or randomly. Or can it already do this? I'm at work and can't remember, lol!

Great work!

发表时间 Mon 21 Mar 11 @ 11:13 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
PangolinPlugins wrote :
Regarding the cost, we are still debating that internally, but we are curious to hear what you and other Virtual DJ users believe it is worth.

Hi William,

Certainly we don't expect from such a plugin to be free, not even 10$ cost. I think that a price for a software product has to do with your cost, but also has to do with the amount of purchases that you expect to have.
In other words if the price is very high you will have minimum purchases, but if the price is quite low you will have definitely many more, which actually will give you almost the same money. Everything depends on how attractive will the software be at the end.

I expect a 2 digit price and free upgrades.



发表时间 Mon 21 Mar 11 @ 3:27 pm
I believe in low cost, free upgrades, high quality, and high volume.

If the volume is low, then there will be fewer upgrades because it just becomes pointless.

If the volume is high, then there will be many sophisticated upgrades as well as many more plugins.

We have barely scratched the surface and can go a great deal further.

In my opinion, no other software in the VJ arena has greater potential than VDJ. I have looked at and dug deep into several other VJ programs and while some are ok, there is always something that says to me that they have dug themselves into a hole. VDJ gives the developer great freedom in the development of plugins. I know at times this comes back to haunt them :) but I love it.

Both Bill and I in one way or another have been in the entertainment software business for many years. I used to work with people from Hollywood developing top notch multi-media products for Disney, IBM, and others. Bill has been in the laser show industly for 25 years and some of the top companies in the world use pangolin laser hardware and software for their shows.

If you are content with the status quo then thats fine, but I never am. I always want to move forward and I hope many of you feel the same way.

We need your support in this endeavor and together this can be a win win for all of us.

Oh, by low cost I don't mean the cost of a couple of drinks but not high either. I also believe in great value and the more you can provide for us the more we can provide for you.


发表时间 Tue 22 Mar 11 @ 12:22 am