
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

话题: Help with makinga skin button


Hey everyone...Im looking for a lil help. Im in need of a button on a skin that shows weather the num lock button is on/off. I have a usb keypad and I have the num button setup to toggle weather the keys on the keypad control samples of cues. I just want a button to say somehting like on/off and have a little light or something. To do this I would have to create a picture of it in the bmp file and then create the action in the xml correct? Where in each file would I put the information? Also I am trying to figure out how I write the script....any suggestions? Where would I put the script in the xml file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

发表时间 Wed 08 Jun 05 @ 10:00 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
It's not possible to handle the num/lock status in the skin engine.


发表时间 Wed 08 Jun 05 @ 11:39 pm
could you make numlock switch between the remix/sample screens so that I know which ones the pad is active for?

发表时间 Wed 08 Jun 05 @ 11:50 pm
FruitPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Dunno, maybe with some tricky keyboard shortcuts it could be done, but definitively not in skin. A skin cannot handle the keybord it's just a pic, animated by a script... Sorry...


发表时间 Wed 08 Jun 05 @ 11:57 pm
Ok...I dont mean to be over persistant for something that cant be done but I just find it hard to believe that something like this cant be done. The skin doesnt control the keyboard but the keyboard does control the skin....with this thought couldnt I make a picture for some keyboard shortcut in vdj that doesnt realldy do anything important and then assign numlock so the picture goes on when numlock is pressed? In The same way that you can use a key to switch between active decks and the button 1 or 2 lights up?

I dont mean to be giving you a hard time...Im just trying to figure out someway so I dont get confused as to if I am using cues or samples when performing.

I aprreciate all the responses. Thanks Again.

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 1:56 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The developers need to code VDJ to be able to do what you ask. If they don't supply the shortcut mechanics then you can't necessarily make it happen.

Maybe post this as and idea for a 'New Feature' in that forum.


发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 7:44 am
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Actually it is possible.

Make a pannel in your skin that shoes Numlock on/off
Give this pannel the number 9 for example

Then make a shortcut for The button numlock on your keyboard and make it for pannel=9

The only problem is VDJ is that it doesn't make any difference wether the numlock is active or not.
For example make a shortcut for button 6 on keyboard with the numlock active.

Take numlock off, and you will see the button 6 still does the shortcut.

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 1:49 pm
got same suggestion fur showing the status in other thread, but
yes, i forgot to tell what I was complaining in the past "numlock won't change the key behavior"

could be nice to have and action in the shorcut mapper, that will allow as to remap/create/delete the other action. Something that is done for hercules "effect/cue/loop" buttons but it's hardcoded.
If this will be done ... the next nice step is ALL HERCULES keys available for mapping in shortcuts.
Maybe light actions for the herc diodes.

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 2:01 pm
lej......that is exactly what I was looking for thank you....I think it will work.....And the way I have my shortcuts setup numlock does work. I have an external usb keypad hooked up to my laptop to use for cues/samples/. For the cues I press numlock and then 1-9 and it says for example num 1 as the shortcut for cue 1. Then I press numlock again and when i do the shortcut for sample one and i press 1 again on the keypad it shows up as end. So, the numlock key is definetly doing something and i just want to be able to see which it is on...samples or cues. Thanks again everybody....now i just need to figure out how to code it. :)

I think I can figure out the code my self but where in the bmp file do I draw the picture? And I will need 2 pictures right...1 with out the light on and another with the light on correct? Also any help with the code would be appreciated if anyone wants to take the time. :)

Thanks again everybody and anymore suggestions/ comments are very welcome :)

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 5:59 pm
just extend the original bitmap to be a bit higher

you can actually have just 1 bitmap I think indicating that numlock is pressed. Otherwise it just dissapears.

Draw the graphics, decide where should it be finally on the screen if numlock is on ....

and look for examples into the original skin that uses pannels

so it will be something like (replace brackets for the copmparison symbols)

(pannel id="41" group="1" visible="no")

(size width="189" height="152"//)
(pos x="418" y="189"//)
(up x="418" y="189"//)
(down x="0" y="2699"//)


发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 6:13 pm
ok so it would be a panel not a button? sorry i didnt see your last post before i posted again on the other thread...here is what i posted:

Lopez...thanks for the advice.....where in the bmp do i add my button? this is what i have for my code but it doesnt work..it keeps telling me invalid skin file error line 0 in the xml.

(button action="nothing" value="85" rightclick="temporary")
(size width="42" height="13"/)
(up x="724" y="843"/)
(pos x="724" y="843"/)
(selected x="724" y="858"/)

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.....maybe i put it in the wrong area of the xml?

I was trying to modify the denon s5000 skin and i drew my buttons in some empty space in the bmp. So as a panel where would i put the code in the xml? and also what would i select as the shortcut?

Thanks again u have been an enormous help.

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 7:05 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

i sent you an email to help you make the skin.

did you receive the email?

anyway my email is in my blog

发表时间 Thu 09 Jun 05 @ 8:41 pm
