
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: C.E. 1280x800 (updated 1.4) - Page: 2


aubs123 wrote :
that's another great skin to add to the collection

not sure if you might have missed it or already updated it
the tiny black line on the effect parameter 2 knobs

thanks again L2

I didnt notice, what was the issue? I hardly use one parameter, nevermind #2 lol

Thanks guys!

I was thinking about tweaking this skin more but its damn near perfect IMO. Right now I am going to focus completing 2 new updates i have been working on. if anyone finds anymore bugs let me know and i can fix em' up.

djpr1 wrote :
listen2 wrote :
jimmy b wrote :

Very nice L2, especially love the large horizontal scratch panels, I'm no scratcher but I love the big waveforms.

Nice one mate.

Thanks guys.

Jimmy the horizontal waves are multi-purpose. In reality all they are is full unfiltered waves, giving you a full view. I would like to see if i can get a cue marker to appear also on the scratchwaves, currently they do not support cue visuals but i might be able to work something around it.

That will be the Icing on the cake.....great job

I'm eating cake now...........thanks L2


Invalid skin file (error line 1483 in xml)

Whats the problem?

djstickittooem wrote :
Invalid skin file (error line 1483 in xml)

Whats the problem?

i'm not sure there buddy but that refers to the video crossfader.

probably will only work for VDJ not VV as of yet.

Dam....Can i get robbed by numark any more then i already have....

listen2 wrote :
aubs123 wrote :
that's another great skin to add to the collection

not sure if you might have missed it or already updated it
the tiny black line on the effect parameter 2 knobs

thanks again L2

I didnt notice, what was the issue? I hardly use one parameter, nevermind #2 lol

Thanks guys!

I was thinking about tweaking this skin more but its damn near perfect IMO. Right now I am going to focus completing 2 new updates i have been working on. if anyone finds anymore bugs let me know and i can fix em' up.

hi L2
will try and explain it a bit better
when you open vdj up
on the effect parameter 2 controll knobs on both deck 1 and deck 2
the black line ( level marker , leval indicator dont no wot you call it lol !!) is missing
if you look at the effect paramter 1 knobs you will no what i mean

hope it makes sence now

i might know what you mean. It happens to alls skins. This happens for effects that they dont have 2 parametrs to adjust. For example Brake effect has only 1 parametr, so parmtr 2 is actually doing nothing and showing nothing.
To see that nothing is actually wrong about the skin, try to load an effect like Flanger, close VDJ and re open it.

hi djdad

i get what you was saying with your answer but im afraid thats not it

heres a pic

if you then click on it with the mouse the black line will appear

the effect parameter does work when its activated

but when useing a controller and turning the effect knob the knob on the skin does not move

never had this problem before useing any of L2 skins

unless its just a problem my end

I didnt touch anything for the code with the effects, I believe it does that also in the default skin too. It maybe how the new skin script handles images in active and inactive states.

I'll look into it, i might be able to work something, but dont quote me.

My other skins are in the older script.

I think the script is written wrong...
Quote :

<button action="deck 1 effect 1 active" rightclick="temporary">

<text dx="3" dy="2" width="60" font="arial" size="12" color="#ffffff" align="center" format="%effectslot1" scroll="yes"/>

--- Effect dropdown ---
<button action="deck 1 effect 1 select">


--- Effect params ---
<slider action="deck 1 effect 1 slider 1" orientation="round">


<slider action="deck 1 effect 2 slider 1" orientation="round">

You should change the commands as followed
Quote :

...."deck 1 effect active"


...."deck 1 effect select"

...."deck 1 effect slider 1"

...."deck 1 effect slider 2"

same thing for deck 2.

ok thanks.. i'll check it out a bit later

I didnt write code for the effects, i had just relocated them from the default for my design.

the same fault is there on the defualt skins too - Mac side anyway =)

try that guys i think it's all set now.

thanks L2 your the man !!
what ever you've changed it works fine now

and cheers guys for pitching in i just didn't no how to explain myself very clearly thanks

aubs123 wrote :
thanks L2 your the man !!
what ever you've changed it works fine now

and cheers guys for pitching in i just didn't no how to explain myself very clearly thanks

Thanks, and thank you guys for your bug hunting too.

The next thing i'd like to change in this skin is the font used in the song times. I was playing a little and LCD didnt look great at all. I will make them bigger too but does anyone have suggestion on nice clean/clear font styles?

fixes and changes coming soon.

i have to say i love the skin
i mixed with it for 6 hours i did have one bug i dont know if it was the skin or not when i pressed mode r it speed my song up by 10%


Do you mean you clicked R as in relative mode? I was doing that a bit myself yesterday off and on testing something else on the TC's and it i didnt notice anything like that.

I'll have an update this week, i'm trying to add a few things i left off from the default and other minor touches.

I'm planning also a more compact version of this skin too which will cater to timecode users. It will be pretty minimal. I'm going to try to make it half of the size it currently is.

listen2 wrote :

Do you mean you clicked R as in relative mode? I was doing that a bit myself yesterday off and on testing something else on the TC's and it i didnt notice anything like that.

I'll have an update this week, i'm trying to add a few things i left off from the default and other minor touches.

I'm planning also a more compact version of this skin too which will cater to timecode users. It will be pretty minimal. I'm going to try to make it half of the size it currently is.

yes relative mode :).

any planes to make a lager skin say 1920 by 1050 with 2 more cue points maybe more fx

L2 mate,

I noticed something on this skin when I used it on Saturday night at my bar gig with my RMX. When I moved the pitch sliders on the RMX, the pitch slider on the skin went the opposite direction.

On all the skins I've used, when you + the pitch the slider on the RMX the skin slider moves down, when you - the pitch on the RMX on the skin slider moves up. On this skin it's opposite, + the pitch and the skin slider moves up, - the pitch it moves down. Which means it's out of sync with the sliders on the RMX (if you know what I mean, lol)

Is the skin pitch sliders designed this way, if they are, it's a bit confusing mate

