
Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: OverFlow Ex for vdj 6.0 - Page: 1


before i begin, thanks everyone. 1.6 got over 3,000 downloads in less than 2 days. since the new release of 6.0.1 some new bugs formed up in the skin. so here's the patch up.

OverFlow Ex 1.7 Res: 1440x900 for Virtual DJ 6.0.1

horizontal line for scratch has been added.
bugs fixed

currently it's being processed and the dl should be available soon.

absolutely do not use overflwo ex 1.6 with virtual dj 6.0.1 there are some very annoying bugs.


djkz aka dj shahar

DJ Shahar
Los Angeles Wedidng DJ

发表时间 Fri 05 Jun 09 @ 3:09 pm

last update for today.

1.8 beta has been uploaded.

1.8 - new features
2 buttons: S1, and S2

S1: scratch (blue top, red bottom) similar to song position

S2: scratch (blue left, red right) just in case someone wants it.

i know the buttons are jacked, but hey, better this than something else.

beta.. it\'s called beta because it\'s not a full skin. the S1 and S2 buttons are actually just text labels.

tell me what you think,


dj shahar

i jsut wish these scratch, and rythm had more colors in them. some sort of deep music analysis to make it look super cool.

Quote :
i jsut wish these scratch, and rythm had more colors in them. some sort of deep music analysis to make it look super cool.

i (personally) disagree with you here. I wouldnt want VDJ to look like SSL or any other dj software.

well great news buddy.

it doesn't.

I know it doesn't. i was simply giving you my point of view on your statement.


I would love to.

but i'm not doing this with photoshop.

it's all done with ms paint and notepad.

... ok, i'll see what i can do.

thanks for finally uploading the skin.

OK, done.

OverFlow Ex v1.9 1440 x 900.zip file uploaded

v1.9 fixed turntable image.

first load image fixed
white pixels removed.



that's another one by dj kz

DJ Shahar
Los Angeles Wedding DJ

if you cant afford photoshop, i recomend paint.net. thats what i use.

and look for notepad2 on your search engine. it helps you with code by colouring keywords. and shows line numbers.

but if youre doing anything with skins, i cannot recomend enough the Skin Creator tool.
It will replace the need for notepad, but you would still need a deicent graphics program. (paint.net or better)

Agree with Mark here. Skin Creator 2.1 is awesome. I had the priviledge of testing it for a month or two and it have come a long long way from version 1.

Fully V6 compatible too =)


i use expression web.. frontpage 2008 for xml

so you all like the updates?

and remember that you too can take overflow ex and update it yourself.


dj shahar

When you click on the Deck A Cue lock- it also seems to activate the Scratch window.
Also- could you make the sync button so that when you rightclick it- it syncs and plays at the same time?

ronny582 wrote :
When you click on the Deck A Cue lock- it also seems to activate the Scratch window.
Also- could you make the sync button so that when you rightclick it- it syncs and plays at the same time?

yup.. you're right.


fixed, uploading,

update history

1.10 fixed cue lock
1.10 removed pitch lock

since pitch lock was acting as a switch between pitch lock and key lock, it's been removed.
ex features key slider and pitch slider.

done and done.

DJ Shahar
Los Angeles Wedding DJ

You Rock!


When will it get posted?

the skin is still there.

it's listed as "waiting"

there's a drop down "best, all, waiting"

it's waiting.


the exe hasn't been created yet.

that's all virtual dj stuff. someone at their end needs to approve it, create the installer and so on.

alternatively, you can download the zip file and put it in your "my documents\virtual dj\skins\" folder

that's what the installer does. the installer is there to make installing skins easier. no computer skills necessary.

if you can browse your computer and know how to move files and browse folders, easy, 1,2,3.


because sugar and spice makes everything nice, now OverFlow Ex 1.10 bc (bulk colors) is being uploaded.
  • 1.10 (original)
  • blue
  • green
  • hi res (semi blind people like me) << fits me best.
  • red
  • purple
  • orange
see which one fits you best and use that one.

inre: overpost's: sorry buddy, got excited with my new camcorder.




hi res

what do you think?

Could you help me please about the "keylock" could you add it in the skin please, because the "key" bar wich is next to the pitch i feel that it doesn't work as suppose to do it, it's kinda confuse. Or more easy, could you tell me how to control the keylock in this skin, in order to be more easy to change the "sound" whenever i want it, for example, move the pitch +15 and keep the original sound, without a chipmunk sound, i hope you understand me, I lilke a lot this skin, but I have that little problem (another skins have that little key icon next to the disc deck wich allows able or disable that sound which i told you).

Thanks in advance.


By the way, I use Overflow skin for the 1440x900 screen
