
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: First time poster, long time PCDJ user - Page: 1



I finally took the time to take a good look at VirtualDJ, and I'm pretty impressed. The only thing I'm not too happy with is the recordcase - but I'm getting a feel for it. Add me to the list of voices who are asking for better ID3 tag support.

I've done a number of skins for PCDJ and will probably start designing some for VDJ after I get a better feel for what its got underneath the hood.

Thanks for the cool product

发表时间 Thu 24 Feb 05 @ 7:20 pm

Welcome Smitty


Don't worry Im sure many users who are asking about better IDV3 support will be pleased with the upcoming update. Oh and by the way no I don't have more details or know a date ! LOL ;)

Welcome smitty there is a whole skins section, I've seen your skin work on fx, and I'm sure your talents will be better put to use over here.

welcome to the club

Welcome smitty, you made the right choice.

Dj Homeboy, thanks for the info.

WirelessDJ is here too. But only until... Reflex is released


Welcome smitty;
I hope to see your VDJ personal skins become reality one day. Thanks in advance.


reflex is still a myth like a unicorn, I'll believe it when i see it. Its kinda like ots comming out with something new.

Reflex is going to have to be something really special to pry my hands off VDJ.
I believe it WILL come, all developers have learned a hard lesson about perfection and protection from leaks.
And so far, their ship is pretty tight, right Luis?
I suspect that the whole PCDJ fiasco made them realize the importance of both of those things.
Mums the word, and when it's ready it's ready, end of story.


Hey, I remember seing a ton of your posts over at the pcdj forums. There are more and more old time PCDJ user over here I have noticed. A lot of Visio's hard core knowledgeable peeps are here.
To me, the wait for an updated VRM became too much. Also the fact that they are probably going to charge for the next one after all the money we spent on the current one and worked out most of the bugs for them. Lets see what they will come up w next.

Believe me when I tell you this software is great and VERY stable. Your ability to skin will be greatly appreciated. Hopefully it will be easier with this software.

Make sure you download the DLL file to controll the DAC2. Its over in the plugins section. You will be amazed as to what it can do and how well it can do it. Daniel did a great job.

They need to update this forum's software, but hey, we dealt with shitty forums over there for a long time too. ID3V2 support is in the works it seems. That would be a great plus. Your contributions will be appreciated by all of us over here. Welcome.


What's ReFlex?

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I look forward to contributing. I'm getting a feel for VDJ and have started doing some skin work... I'll let you know when I have something worth showing.

I'm not entirely down on PCDJ - the software does some things really well, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next. Mostly I'm just bored with it and the attitude over there. Lotsa talk, little progress.

The more companies around, the better, IMHO. Its us, the users who win out from all the competition.

I don't know what's up with reflex. They were showing audio demos a year ago, and still nothing out to play with,


Welcome Smitty

Personally I would like to know what the hell is going on down there, just to know.
I get updates without warning quite frequently from here and other places.
I mean there are little things that could have been fixed by now, but we get nothing but dead air.
I don't know how far they think that they can push people, but it is kind of an insult to our intelligence to operate in that manner.
Day in day out week in week out month after month 'till years go by is rediculous.

I wish them the best of luck and still hope to see an operating video plug in available soon.

I've given up on V!$!O. Furthermore, you are right, “it is kind of an insult to our intelligence to operate in that manner”, which is totally unprofessional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me too.

Since Jorgen left the company, everything is getting worse day by day.



Hey Smitty,

Greetings from a couple of hours south. Hope the snow doesn't
screw up your week. Looking forward to viewing your skins.

I didn't realize you were on board here.
All we need now is Dwight, Steve Lynch, Partyman Rusty and a few others to complete the transition.

Too funny, and to think it all started with the first banning...........Jason.
Maybe he just got the message sooner than the rest of us did.
Have balls will travel, and a toast to the Eminem of DJ Chat!
